TNBBC's 8th book Giveaway!
***Updated Rules***
Contest ends June 28th
Back in May, HarperPerennial posted a blog to promote Ben Greenman's upcoming release "What He's Poised To Do" - a collection of short stories that use letters and letter writing to investigate human connection and disconnection.
The blog is called Letters With Character: An Interactive Literary Environment" - and they are inviting readers to celebrate the art of correspondence by writing a letter to a famous fictional character.
According to their blog rules: the letters can be funny, sad, demanding, fanciful, declarative, or trivial. They can be about a novel, a short story, or a children’s book, works both literary or popular. There is only one requirement: They must be written by a real person and must also address an unreal one. The best, strangest, interesting, and most moving letters will be posted on LettersWithCharacter.Blogspot.Com
I absolutely love this idea, and want to tie their efforts into a 5 book giveaway here on this blog.
In order to win a copy of this novel:
(1) You must submit a letter to a fictional character to HarperPerennial at the following email address:
(2) Post a copy of that letter here in the comments section. Be sure to include the author and title of the novel your character was from, as well as your email address (so I can notify you if you are a winner).
(3) You must be a resident of the US or Canada to participate (sorry, guys, the copies are coming from the publisher!).
(4) Anyone can submit entries!!!
The giveaway copies will be awarded to the most creative entry letters. The letters can be as short as a few sentences, and as long as a few paragraphs.
Have fun, and good luck!! I look forward to seeing which fictional characters you choose to write to!