Friday, March 2, 2012

Indie Book Buzz: Artistically Declined Press

It's a great day for some Indie Book Buzz here at TNBBC. Over the next few weeks, we will be inviting members of the indie publishing houses to share which of their upcoming 2012 releases they are most excited about!

This week's pick come from Ryan Bradley,
Co-Founder and Publisher for Artistically Declined Press

Temporary Yes by Kat Dixon
(Feb 2012)

First up for 2012 we have Kat Dixon's debut full-length poetry collection, Temporary Yes, released on February 21. I can't fully explain the effect that Kat's writing has on me, but I think the biggest compliment I can pay her as a writer is to say that whenever I read her work I am compelled to write. Not too many writers have that effect on me with the consistency she does. I didn't know anything about Kat or her writing when I first started reading her work online, but I was instantly hooked and am honored to have gotten to know her over time. So I am pleased as punch to be able to bring Temporary Yes to print. It is full of beautiful words, whimsy, surrealism, confession. It is everything poetry should strive to be.

Lucky Man by Ben Tanzer
(March 2012)

Our second release of the year comes hot on the heels of Dixon's book, because it will mark a special occasion. That occasion, March 15, is the 5th anniversary of the publication of Ben Tanzer's debut novel, Lucky Man. This re-release will also introduce the first of two new imprints. Antler Editions will focus on anthologies and career-spanning/celebrating releases, such as reprints, collected works and more. 

The Recliner Anthology of Poetry

While we are still shoring up the rest of the 2012 catalog, I can say we've got some surprises. We are working on two anthologies, both of which are still being built in terms of contributors and content. The Recliner Anthology of Poetry, which already includes stellar poets such as Molly Brodak, Shaindel Beers, b.l. pawelek, and Abby E. Murray. And for which I've included the first peek at the cover! We are also working on a very exciting, currently untitled anthology of fiction edited by Tanzer. I don't want to give too much away about this one, but I will say it's unlike anything offered by other small presses. We are hopeful that both these anthologies will release late in the year. 

Twin Antlers Imprint

There's also a book of collaborative poetry in the works that will launch the second of our of two imprints we're working on. The Twin Antlers imprint will be devoted solely to collaborative works, and the first title will appear this summer. And we also hope to do our second "Pop Up Release," but in the nature of that project we can't really talk about it. 


Ryan W. Bradley has pumped gas, fronted a punk band, done construction in the Arctic Circle, managed an independent children's bookstore, and now splits his time between opening boxes and designing book covers. He is the author of two chapbooks, AQUARIUM (Thunderclap! Press, 2010), MILE ZERO (Maverick Duck Press, 2011), and a story collection, PRIZE WINNERS (Artistically Declined Press, 2011). His debut novel, CODE FOR FAILURE is due from Black Coffee Press, March 27, 2012. He received his MFA from Pacific University and lives in Oregon with his wife and two sons.

So what do you think guys? See anything that catches your eye? Which of these things are you most excited to see release? Help TNBBC and Artistically Declined Press spread the buzz about these books by sharing this post with others!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Tell Me A Story: Jesse Jordan

Welcome to another addition of TNBBC's Tell Me A Story. 

Tell Me a Story is a monthly series that features previously unpublished short stories from debut and Indie authors. The request was simple: Stories can be any format, any genre, and any length. And many amazing writers signed up for the challenge.

This month's story comes from Jesse Jordan. Jesse is a writer and editor currently living in the suburbs of Chicago. He is an MFA graduate of Columbia College and a member of Chicago’s “Reading Under the Influence.” His short stories have appeared in numerous publications and Gospel Hollowis his first novel.

Gospel Hollow is "set during five days of a punishing Chicago blizzard, Gospel Hollow follows the clumsy and desperate investigation of Tommy Hull as he digs through the lies and silence of his remaining family to get the answer to the most pressing question of his life: what happened to Alice Hull on that cool September night fourteen years ago?" *goodreads

Today, Jesse shares an excerpt from  Gospel Hollow .....

Everett’s a cop—a detective, I think—and a regular at Mary’s, the bar I work at. He’s a steady drinker, one of those four-nights-a-week guys with perfectly shined shoes and crisp lines in their suits. A sharp, quick guy with a quiet, dry sense of humor. He’s always seemed too substantial and discerning to be downing drinks in a dive like Mary’s, but maybe he knows something I don’t. I’m not complaining, you understand, I’m happy to have him. I can see him balancing cocktails and Marlboro Lights while he lectures me on nanotechnology or film noir or the problems with marrying a redhead.

I remember him looking at me that night.

Everett, Everett, Everett.

Everett was the one who gave me the idea. He set this whole thing in motion. One night, about four months ago—it was a weeknight, I remember that—he came in. He was all off that night, all wrong. His hair was askew and hanging partially over his face, its usual lines corrupted by stray eruptions. His suit looked wrinkled, his tie loosened, and his off-white shirt appeared to have three small drops of blood just right of center on his belly. His perpetual cool energy was gone, all blips and blaps like he was wearing a suit of my anxiety, and instead of his normal Jack and Coke he ordered two shots of Jack and a Heineken upon collapsing on his stool down at the end of the bar by the Cold War-era fridge.

For a while that was it. He was drinking hard and fidgeting, tearing up coasters and checking his watch. He called his wife and told her he’d be working all night, and after an hour or so he made another call, and though he seemed to come back noticeably more at ease, he continued to drink like a newly freed man. Every few drinks I put one on the house and he smiled and acknowledged it, but beyond that we didn’t talk at all.

By one thirty that morning Mary’s was empty but for Everett. I pulled my stool up across the bar from him, not sure how to broach the subject of leaving. Everett wasn’t the kind of guy you had to kick out.

“Tommy, I almost got fucked tonight.” I looked at him but he was just staring down into his empty shot glass. His words were thick and slow. “Whole fucking career, kid. Just—goddamn I was sure of it.” And then he was quiet again, still looking at that empty glass.

“What happened?”

He looked up, eyes unfocused and blinking, and he smiled. “Everything worked out, that’s what happened.” I nodded. I wasn’t going to press it. “You know what, Tommy? Here, I’ll tell ya. Get me another shot, okay?” I poured it and pushed it over and he raised it up over his head with a stiff, wobbly arm. I raised my beer and waited for his toast. “To,” he began, pausing to let a small burp out the side of his mouth, “Detective Steve Pittman, a fucking first-class genius. Saved my goddamn ass.”

“Detective Pittman,” I said, and he smiled and we drank. It was then, slamming down the empty glass and coming up smiling, that he told me.

“Okay,” he began. “I’m going to tell you about this, but you can’t tell anyone, okay? You can’t say a word, Tommy. Frankly, I can’t really tell you most of it anyway, but, still, not a word, okay?” I nodded. “Alright. So, me and four other guys have been working a detail for the last six months and there’s a specific target, do you know what I mean? A guy or a group, we’ll just call ’em ‘The Target,’ okay? So, we’re not headquartered out of regular police station now, we’re off on this site in an industrial complex, couple blowed-out old buildings. Now, recently we made some big discoveries, you know, recordings, seizures, it doesn’t matter what it is, just evidence. We’ll just call it ‘evidence,’ okay? Now we got enough and we make the pitch to the DA and he green lights it and the next day we start making arrests. That night we go back to the building we’ve been using and a big chunk of the evidence is gone. Just fucking gone. Do you get it, Tommy? We are fucked. These guys are going to be arraigned in the morning and we’re going to have to go to the DA and tell him, we got nothing. Let ’em go. I mean, this is setting fire to your career shit. We’re all freaking out, we’re yelling at each other and then, then Detective Steve Pittman,” and here he raises his beer, and again I mirror the gesture, “he gets everyone quiet and he says that we know it was here this morning. We know that, okay? So, he says, we’re all going to sit here and we’re going to tell every part of our day today, everything we remember. We’re going to recreate the day, you see? We’re pissed off and losing it, everyone blaming everyone else, but he calms it all down and makes us do this. So we started, and about an hour in, one of the guys mentions that he saw a CI outside again, and the guy whose CI it was started freaking out like this CI shouldn’t know where we’re based out of. Does this make sense? See, one of the guys had a CI he’d been working with on this case, but he always met him somewhere else, and he’d never told him about this makeshift headquarters. The other guy, he’d seen the CI around twice, once a couple weeks ago, and then again this morning, and he never thought anything of it because he always figured the other guy was meeting him there. So these two, they starting talking about could it be a coincidence, could it be this or that, but me and Pittman, we know. So the five of us saddle up and we start hitting the pads this douchebag usually flops at, but we get nothing. Finally, Castro—that’s the guy who’s been handling the CI—he says that sometimes he crashes over at his sister’s place.” Everett tapped his glass and I poured it full again, and I was trying to pay attention to what he was saying but all I could think about was Pittman’s idea. Get them all together. Recreate the day.

“We find this fucking guy nodded out in front of _The Lion King_ at his sister’s place, a duffel bag with our shit right there next to him. I mean, to talk to this guy you’d swear he’s retarded, but he figured out who we were after, and he followed Castro back one time and came up with this whole plan. He was going to sell it back to, uh, to the Target.”

“Jesus Christ.”

“Fuck yeah,” he said.


“Yeah.” We were both nodding and we sat there in silence, lost in our own minds. Him in the absurdity and good fortune of his night, and me in this plan, this idea of finding out what actually happened that night Mom disappeared. I don’t know how long we remained like that. Eventually he slapped a couple twenties on the bar and I jumped at the sound. He nodded once before standing up on virgin legs, teetering before finding a handhold on the bar. He pulled his suit coat back on and walked to the door with deliberate steps, waving over his shoulder as he disappeared. I locked the door. Then I just stood there. The bar was empty and small and dim, and the only sound was the hum of the old fridge and the meager traffic outside. That was it. It was that simple and the idea, seemingly fully formed, took over everything at that moment.

I had to get everyone together. I had to make them do this. I could actually see answers for once. I couldn’t see what they were, you understand, but I could see that they existed, way off in the distance. I began researching interview methods and found references to this kind of group recollection. Apparently it had been used in the aftermath of the My Lai Massacre to determine a timeline. With each discovery I felt the structure of my certainty building, felt the ground beneath my feet grow strong and sure.

That was the night I decided that I would be the one to pick up my brother from prison this morning.


I want to thank Jesse for participating in TNBBC's Tell Me a Story. If you like what you've read, please support Jesse by checking out his book.  Help spread the word by sharing this post through your blog, tumblr page, twitter and facebook accounts. Every link counts! And be sure to check back with us next month for the next installment....

If you are interested in submitting your short story for consideration for this series, please contact me

Book Giveaway: The Baker's Daughter

TNBBC is proud to be partnering with Author Sarah McCoy
for next month's Author/Reader Discussion!

In April, we will be featuring her second novel

In order to stimulate discussion, 
we will be giving away 10 domestic copies of the novel
(many thanks to Crown Publishing!)

"In 1945, Elsie Schmidt was a naïve teenager, as eager for her first sip of champagne as she was for her first kiss. But in the waning days of the Nazi empire, with food scarce and fears of sedition mounting, even the private yearnings of teenage girls were subject to suspicion and suppression. Elsie’s courtship by Josef Hub, a rising star in the Army of the Third Reich, has insulated her and her family from the terror and desperation overtaking her country. So when an escaped Jewish boy arrives on Elsie’s doorstep in the dead of night on Christmas Eve, Elsie understands that opening the door puts all she loves in danger. 

Sixty years later, in El Paso, Texas, Reba Adams is trying to file a feel-good Christmas piece for the local magazine. Reba is a rolling stone, perpetually on the run from memories of a turbulent childhood, but she’s been in El Paso long enough to get a full-time job and a full-time fiancé, Riki Chavez. Riki, an agent with the U.S. Border Patrol, finds comfort in strict rules and regulations, whereas Reba knows that in every good story, lines will be blurred. 

Reba's latest assignment has brought her to the shop of an elderly baker across town. The interview should take a few hours at most, but the owner of Elsie's German Bakery is no easy subject. Elsie keeps turning the tables on Reba, and Reba finds herself returning to the bakery again and again, anxious to find the heart of the story. For Elsie, Reba's questions have been a stinging reminder of darker times: her life in Germany during that last bleak year of WWII. And as Elsie, Reba, and Riki's lives become more intertwined, all are forced to confront the uncomfortable truths of the past and seek out the courage to forgive."

This contest will run through March 9th.
Winners will be announced here and via email on March 10th.

Here's how to enter:

 1 - Leave a comment stating why you would like to win a copy.

2 - State that you agree to participate in the group read book discussion that will run from April 15th through the end of the month. Sarah McCoy has agreed to participate in the discussion and will be available to answer any questions you may have for her. 

 *If you are chosen as a winner, by accepting the copy you are agreeing to read the book and join the group discussion at TNBBC on Goodreads (the thread for the discussion will be emailed to you before March 1st). 

 3 - You must leave me a way to contact you (email is preferred). AND you must be a resident of the US!!!!

Good luck!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Audioreview: Castle

Listened 2/16/12 - 2/23/12
3 Stars - Recommended to readers who don't mind the spooky stuff turning out to be not-so-spooky
Audio Download (approx 10 hrs)
Publisher: Iambik / Graywolf Press
Narrator: Mark Douglas Nelson

I dig suspense as much as the next guy. Gimme a book with some creepy old farmhouse full of strange noises at night, surrounded by over 600 acres of dense dark woods, and you've got yourself one happy little reader. The only thing that could ruin a book like this would be if it failed to live up to its own hype, right?

Ooh Castle, how you built me up only to bring me down, slowly and angrily, to beat my fists against the muddy humus beneath my knees...

J. Robert Lennon's Castle initially came to me as a review copy, among others, from the lovely ladies at Graywolf Press. Somehow, it fell to the wayside and began to get buried beneath the other, newer review copies that were arriving... and I've always felt horrible about that.

A few months ago, however, I ran across the audiobook on Iambik's website and realized that this was my chance to finally get it read. Much, much sooner than I would ever get to it in print copy, too! And so it became my commuting companion for the entire week.

It all begins with Eric Loesch, an apparently unstable and irritable man, and his purchase of an old abandoned farmhouse upon returning to his hometown. As he peruses the deed to the property, he discovers a small portion of land, deep within his woods, that does not belong to him. Bent on uncovering the identity of the person who has gone to great lengths to hide their ownership of whatever lies hidden back there in the forest, Eric displays unusual suspicion towards the townspeople, many of whom seem to remember him - though he does not appear to remember them. Callous and cold, he seems to harbor a strong dislike for unnecessary human contact and will go to great extremes to protect his privacy when he feels someone may be placing it in jeopardy.

While seeking out whatever information he can about the mysteriously blackened out name on the house papers, Eric begins to renovate the farmhouse. He appears to be suspended in a state of constant unease whenever he is in and around his house, suffering from a strange, unexplained fear of the basement and waking in the night to the sounds of crying or keening, or whistling?

As the home renovations come to an end, Eric rewards himself with a little trek through his woods to the large outcropping of rock that's visible from his bedroom window. Priding himself on his flawless sense of direction, he makes slow and aggravating headway through the thick and gloomy forest, eventually losing track of time and getting himself lost. Just as panic is threatening to grip his heart, suddenly - out of nowhere - a white deer appears and leads him out of the woods safely. (Though he is not sure why, he feels a connection to what he calls his deer.) On his second attempt, he successfully reaches the rock outcropping but manages to lose his backpack which contains all of his supplies and a change of clothes. Yet what bothers him more is what he finds on the other side of that large, slick boulder. It's a miniature castle, just as dilapidated as the farmhouse he brought back to life, and he immediately understands that this impenetrable fortress does not belong to him.

Sounds like a good set up so far, doesn't it? You have to give props to Lennon for not showing his hand too early... the man knows how to draw out the suspense. Throughout the first half of the book, as you get to know Eric, as the little nuances of his personality come to light - how quick to anger he is, how he holds everyone around him in such contempt, how much more intelligent he believes himself to be, his incredible sense of entitlement - you begin to wonder just how much Eric knows... about himself. I mean, is it really possible for this guy to be such a crass, volatile person? What is it about his fellow humans that he finds so disgusting?

Over the course of the second half of the book - without giving too much away - he begins to recall the shitty, abusive childhood he suffered at the hands of his indifferent parents and a wacky, loose-cannon sort of psychologist;  and about his career in the military and the reason he headed back to his hometown, and things start to come into focus for us. Sadly, the more we learn about Eric and his motives, the less spooky or supernatural the whole first half of the book starts to seem. Towards the end, I got the feeling that the author just sort of ran out of steam and settled with a hum-drum ending just to get the whole thing over with. To say the ending was depressing and a let-down would be an understatement.

To be honest, as the end of the book was drawing near and I was still struggling to make heads or tales of what was going on, I thought up at least two other directions the author could have chosen to take that would have kept me happy and maintained the overall creepy/uncertain theme he had going on.

The narrator that Iambik chose for this audiobook threw me off quite a bit. Mark Douglas Nelson's voice sounds like that of a much older man, causing me to assume Eric Loesch was a man in his late 50's or early 60's, when in reality he may have been closer to 30 or 40. Though, as booksexyreview and I discussed the audio in detail, during the week that we were listening to it (she was always a few chapters ahead of me) she pointed out that the things that bothered me about Mark - his long drawn out but's... and his extremely proper pronunciations - were actually quite a good fit for the strange and awkward Eric. At the time, I found it difficult to agree with her because it was all quite distracting to me. But now that I have put some space between me and the book, I think I can see where she was coming from.

So, a mediocre review for a middle of the road sort of book. While nothing to write home about, it might be worth a flip through on a slow, rainy afternoon when you've got some time to kill and no expectations to kill it with.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Indie Spotlight: Patrick James O'Connor

Sometimes you happen upon an author by sheer accident. Such is the story of TNBBC and Patrick James O'Connor. While searching for book reviewers to host portions of a blog tour I was managing, I stumbled across The Literate Man, and dropped them a line. Their's is a book blog for men, and mine was a man's man book, and it seemed like a match made in heaven. 

Patrick was an awesome sport, throwing his blog into the bunch to support an indie author, and now I have the opportunity to return the favor. 

Patrick is the author of The Last Will and Testament of Lemuel Higgins, a "haunting account of shattered dreams and the quest for impossible redemption" *goodreads that was released by Blackbriar Press back in December. I was interested in finding out a bit more about how and why his debut novel came to be.  Patrick shared the following:

While much of the material for my novel, TheLast Will and Testament of Lemuel Higgins, arises out of the many years that I spent working on a dairy farm in Western New York, the voice of Lem Higgins evolved out of a short story, entitled "Midwinter's Harvest," that I wrote in 2007. In that story, the protagonist describes in purely colloquial language the shock and sadness of revisiting a former employer after the unexpected loss of the employer's child. The strength of Lem's voice was impossible to ignore, and I grew very fond of the rhythm with which the story was told.  I soon realized that, in addition to telling the story of the Danner family, Lem had his own story to tell.

I chose to tell the story from Lem's perspective, in the first-person, because I find it the best way to create a sympathetic connection between reader and character. For much the same reason, I like the epistolary form (Lem's will is really just one long letter to Sarah), because it allows the reader to delve into the protagonist's most intimate thoughts. There's a very strong connection that arises when a reader is allowed to eavesdrop on a conversation between individuals that share an intimacy and a history such as Lem and Sarah.

Though the book is fiction and none of the characters are representative of any particular person, I believe it to be generally indicative of my own adolescence and the experience of my friends and acquaintances, insofar as it describes childhood dreams and some of the obstacles (both self- and other-made) that we encountered as we entered adulthood.  I would like to think that it remains indicative of small-town life in America as, in a certain sense, the basic experience of growing up in a small town is only marginally affected by the changing times.
In the end, it was both the strength of Lem's voice and the familiarity of the circumstances that he was describing that motivated me to put it all on paper, which took me four years or so.  I would like to think that my writing shows the influence of some of my favorite authors, including James Joyce and Ken Kesey, both of whom take significant risks with language, while respecting the essential connection between author and audience.  In the end, more than simply telling an interesting story, I hope that I have produced one that connects with readers on an emotional level.       

About the Author:

Patrick James O’Connor was born and raised in farming country south of Buffalo, New York, where he worked variously as a horse trainer, farmhand, park ranger, waiter, septic tank cleaner, and social worker. In 1993, he worked as a congressional aide in the Washington, DC offices of New York Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan. After studying English Literature at the University of Richmond, he spent a season hiking the Appalachian Trailbefore pursuing a degree in law. Then, while studying at GeorgetownUniversity LawCenter, he joined a fact-finding expedition to Guatemala, where he spent several years climbing volcanoes with his dog, Jonah, and working on indigenous rights and environmental issues. He is currently a partner at the Miami law firm, Harper Meyer LLP, where he practices international law and, among other projects, works to procure the return of stolen Mayan artifacts to Guatemala. The Last Will and Testament of Lemuel Higgins is his first novel. For more information, visit

Friday, February 24, 2012

Indie Book Buzz: Graywolf Press

It's a great day for some Indie Book Buzz here at TNBBC. Over the next few weeks, we will be inviting members of the indie publishing houses to share which of their upcoming 2012 releases they are most excited about!

This week's pick come from Erin Kottke,
Publicity Director at Graywolf Press

CITY OF BOHANE byKevin Barry 
(March 13, 2012)

“It’s hard for me to heap praise on Kevin Barry’s City of Bohane when the pre-publication reviews that have come in have already done it so well. From Library Journal’s “Books for Dudes” column: “[A] wild-ass ripsnorter . . . a bravura, Nabokovian mind-blower.” And this, from Kirkus: “Roll up Joyce, Dickens, Anthony Burgess and Marty Scorsese, sprinkle with a dash of Terry Gilliam, and smoke up. That’s roughly the literary experience to be had from ingesting this marvelously mashed-up creation.”

So I’ll just call it what it is: a damn near perfect debut novel. Set roughly forty years in the future in a fictional town on the west coast of Ireland, City of Bohane is electric, gritty, and violent, but it’s not without heart. It’s a tale of dynastic upheaval, revenge, nostalgia and regret, and love lost and found. And the language! My God, the language. Kevin Barry has created this futuristic Irish slang that’s so completely engrossing that you’ll wish you could take a course in how to speak Bohanian. For now, this video of Kevin Barry reading from the book will have to suffice.”

Leave it to the lovely Erin to get me pining over another Graywolf Press book! Doesn't this thing sound amazing??!! So what do you think guys? Help TNBBC and Graywolf Press spread the buzz about these books by sharing this post with others!


Erin Kottke is the publicity director at Graywolf Press, where she has had the honor of working with Per Petterson, Ander Monson, Tiphanie Yanique, Tony Hoagland, and others. Some of her favorite non-Graywolf books include No Great Mischief by Alistair McLeod, Straight Man by Richard Russo, Ordinary Victories by Manu Larcenet, Birthday Letters by Ted Hughes, and The Mysteries of Pittsburgh by Michael Chabon.  She lives in Minneapolis with her husband and their three-year old son, Linus, with baby #2 due to arrive in the next month or so. You can find her on Twitter at @eekottke and @graywolfpress.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Review: The Drought

Read 2/22/12
4.5 Stars - Highly Recommended
Pgs: 36 (eBook)
Publisher: The Lit Pub
Release Date: March 1, 2012

The Drought is an extremely short and compelling chapbook that The Lit Pub will be releasing next week during AWP. And if you're smart, you'll run to their booth and snatch up a copy before they sell out. You can thank me later.

How Miles Harvey manages to stuff a complete novels-worth-of-content into a 36 page story, I'll never know. The sparse language, his attention to what's important, and the incredibly tight pacing all work together to pull you quickly and roughly into this nameless small town that is literally dying of thirst.

Stuck in a strange, stalled high pressure front, the town has not seen rain in over 2 years. Creek beds have dried up, farms and fields are useless, wildfires are still smoldering and flaring up unexpectedly, buildings are half buried beneath shifting dirt and dust... and the townspeople have raised their newly bearded weatherman to prophetic heights. But is he worthy of their reverence?

Unbeknownst to them, as he attempts to fan the flames of hope and discover how to bring about the end of the drought, he secretly strikes up an affair with the barber's wife. And we all know that in small towns like this one, where you can't go anywhere without bumping into an ex or a neighbor or coworker, keeping secrets is a difficult thing to do.

The Drought is a thing of beauty and was my first Lit Pub experience. I can't wait to get my hands on more of their stuff!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Review: Temporary Yes

Read 2/21/12
3 Stars - Recommended to poetry fans
Pgs: 70
Publisher: Artistically Declined Press

Happy publication day to Kat Dixon and her newest collection of poetry, Temporary Yes, which sports what is quite possibly THE loveliest book cover I have ever laid eyes on

In it, Kat masterfully manipulates the English language, creating confusing and beautiful verses that surge through innumerable emotional boundaries.

Her words acted like a visual trigger, invoking an image. When you read this line - "fingers surgically laced through someone else's fingers"... - it's nearly impossible not to visualize it, right? What do you see? (I picture two people, so desperate for one another that they have their clasped hands stitched together, finger to finger, grinning madly through the pain as the needle and thread join them to one another, permanently and irrevocably...)

Other times, I found her words produced a more visceral reaction. I felt this line -  "when morning comes, I'll be there sewn into the neck of your undershirt. Breathing"... - like a punch in the kidneys. It made me draw a breath. It made me feel something. Sure, you could visualize that line as well, but I definitely felt it first.

There's a comfortable repetition that weaves its way in and out of her poetry - themes or words that she returns to, like the two verses I've just discussed both mentioning "stitching" - and it's interesting to note how such similar things can cause such diverse reactions.

Yet, more times than not, I'm afraid that I wasn't clear on the message or the meaning behind the poems. This meant that the visceral and visual responses were less immediate or sometimes not there at all. Certainly, her poetry revolves around love and the crazy feelings it can stir within us and I found quite a few verses that simply drew my breath away and left me stunned... but I fear that a lot of what Kat was trying to say was lost on me.

Sometimes the strange word combinations threw me off and brought to mind those poetry refrigerator magnets that contained a variety of odd words that wouldn't normally be found together in a sentence. For example - "Who would whisper anything but inaccuracies in the yellow of an undoing?" and "Without pulling up the kitchen tiles to stow away the excess organs, something is bound to lose its polka dots." A lover of poetry, I am. Skilled in the art of deciphering, I am not.

But don't let my review get in the way of you getting to know Kat and her poetry. View this as a challenge. Go out and read it, experience it for yourself. Then come back so we can compare lines like this one... "and each goodbye is another way of falling asleep" and this one... "every shape of my mouth is something stolen"... because they contain so much within them that must be brought out.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Jason Fisk's "Salt Creek" Blog Tour

Welcome to the first stop on the Jason Fisk "Salt Creek" Blog Tour!

As an obsessive fan of independent literature, I can't help jumping at the chance to introduce readers to cool and ground-breaking new authors and publishers. So when CCLaP asked me to lend a hand in giving Jason Fisk's new story collection a little love, I couldn't say no, could I?

It's not just any old story collection, either! Salt Creek Anthology is CCLaP's first hyperfiction project - a book containing loads of micro-stories which share underlying themes and minor references that are connected through a series of hyperlinks. Think new-age "Choose Your Own Adventure" books. Each story is connected to another story within the collection by a word or phrase or idea. Clicking on the hyperlinks will immediately pop you into another story that is in some way connected to the one you just left.

However, unlike those uber-popular books of the late 80's, this hyperfiction collection - should you so choose to eschew the hyperlinks - can be read in a perfectly linear fashion. It's your choice! 

I'm sure you are thinking, though, that this Salt Creek must only be available as an eBook since its uniqueness is in its hyperlinks, right? But you would be wrong! Publisher Jason Pettus has come up with an ingenious way to give you a similarly interactive reading experience in paper form. The book, in addition to being printed as EPUB and MOBI files, is also available in print and PDF versions. The print version comes in a handmade box and is actually spineless - it employs colored text to tell you what page to flip to (in place of a hyperlink) or you could simply shuffle the book's pages and read the entire thing completely at random. 

So now that I've wooed you into checking out his book, I've asked Jason Fisk to woo us with what being Indie means to him:

My dream of being a writer had barely lived before it was put to death. I had always been a reader, and I suppose, if you were to probe the deep recesses of my young mind, you would have found seedlings of my longing to be a writer just waiting to take root in my soul; however, they didn’t, not then.

The first person to sort of kick my dream of writing toward the dark corner of my mind was a high school English teacher named Jack. He wasn’t my high school teacher, but a friend of the family who I worked landscaping with for a summer. When Jack asked what I wanted to do when I got older, I told him that I wanted to write. He sarcastically said, “Yeah, good luck with that,” and then rattled off some crazy speech about not being able to make a living as a writer, and he suggested I alter my aspirations.

What my 15-year-old mind heard was Jack doubting my potential. That conversation honestly made me reconsider ever wanting to write. Part of me was pissed; how dare he squash my dreams. Part of me realized that he was probably right, I wouldn’t be able to make a living writing. Why should I even bother?

I later realized that Jack was actually voicing his own frustrations with the publishing industry. I learned, later in life, that he was a poet who struggled to find a home for his nature poetry. I was happy to hear that his poetry book about gardening eventually found a home with a small local press.

Over the years, there were numerous others who had their turns at kicking my dream of writing to the back corner of my mind. Practicality slowly choked, starved, and shriveled that dream into nothing. It wasn’t until I was sitting in an elective course, The History of Poetry, that the dream was pulled from its dark corner and dusted off. A poet, Debra Bruce, taught the class. She believed that, like a mechanic learning his or her trade, one could not simply learn everything from a book, but instead had to get their hands dirty and actually feel the parts/words as they went together. She had us writing all different types of poetry. It was magnificent.

Because of that class, I fell deeply in love with writing. I became obsessed, writing poetry all the time. I immersed myself in online zines, and would follow one link to another, discovering new and wonderful places. Some of them were twisted, some were beautiful, some were subversive, all were something new, and something wonderful. I found kindred spirits that I never would have found on commercial bookshelves. I found indie literature, and eventually my writing found its way into that world too.

I could care less about the discussions surrounding indie literature’s viability, or its representation of something idealistic and pure. Being indie, to me, is something much more than that; it is something crude, something raw, and something beautiful. It is the grease on my hands after a hard day’s work. It is my outlet, and is one of the main reasons I write.


Jason Fisk is a husband of one, a teacher to many, and a father of two. He is the author of Salt Creek Anthology, a collection of micro-fiction published by Chicago Center for Literature and Photography; the fierce crackle of fragile wings, a collection of poetry published by Six Gallery Press; as well as two poetry chapbooks, The Sagging: Spirits and Skin, and Decay, both published by Propaganda Press. For more information, feel free to check out:

Tomorrow, be sure to follow the tour by visiting Stop #2 here

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Review: Code For Failure

Read 2/12/12
4.5 Stars - Highly Recommended to readers who don't mind getting a little grease under their nails
Pgs: 255 (eBook format)
Publisher: Black Coffee Press
Release date: March 27th, 2012

"Don't ever get comfortable here," ... "This place will steal your soul."

I'm about to admit something that you may end up holding against me. Although I bet you are guilty of the same exact thing, so just go ahead and hold that mirror up against yourself before you get too judgy... ok?

I've always kinda felt sorry for the people who work at gas stations. There. I've said it. But I've also spent a college semester working at one for some extra cash, so I do have some personal experience here too...

I feel like they must've been handed an awfully raw deal to end up pumping gas and handing over cigarettes at some mini-mart. Surely they didn't set their sights on this sort of occupation when they were younglings, right?

An imagined conversation - (Stranger): So, Mack, what do you want to be when you grow up? (Mack): I want to be a gas station attendant, sir!

Or, if this was their choice and not some cruel hand the world had dealt them, they certainly had set very low expectations for themselves and didn't count "initiative" among their top priorities in life.

Another imagined conversation - (Stranger): So, how'd you end up here? (Mack): Well, I wanted a job where I could just roll outta bed, throw on a uniform, and not have to think for 8 hours. Plus, I secretly kinda dig the smell of gasoline!

While reading Ryan Bradley's upcoming release and debut novel Code for Failure, though, I started to see things a little bit differently. I mean, sure, the pay is pathetic and the hours suck. You gotta deal with know-it-all assholes and people who don't even acknowledge you. But if the guys pumping my gas are seeing half as much action as Ryan claims they do, they might not have it so bad after all.

Let me break this down for you. Ryan's narrator is a college drop out who takes up a position at the local gas station. He's almost perfected the multi-pump (his station's pumps can't be set to stop at a certain dollar amount for those who require anything less than a "fillerup"), works for a boss who seems like a half decent dude, and doesn't seem phased by the high turnover rate of his co-workers. He keeps his head down and his nose clean and without really trying, he secures himself the Assistant Manager's position in no time - along with its measly 5 cent raise and a shit ton more responsibility.

There are women who come into the picture, and out of the picture, and sometimes back into the picture (and when that happens, it's never a good thing, trust me)... So many women overall that I just want to run up to this guy and pat him on the back for a second, with a knowing smile, before giving him the number to an STD specialist. For someone who's not exactly thrilled with his station in life, he's certainly found a way to make the most of it!

The story is told in a series of short chapters - ranging anywhere from a few pages to a mere paragraph or two - and reads like lightening. After downloading the book to my smartphone I sat down on the couch and, without meaning to, managed to read the entire thing in a matter of hours. The chapters practically encourage you to keep reading... taking you from moment to moment in our narrator's career as a gas station attendant cum grease monkey cum ladies man... and before you know it, you've read the entire thing in one sitting and you're running to the bathroom to pee for the first time in hours (and possibly to take a shower too).

On the surface, it's certainly a fun, insanely honest read that will leave you feeling slightly dirty. If you're anything like me, you'll be dying to know just how much of this stuff was pulled from Ryan's own experiences during his gas station days. Then you'll realize that it's probably better that you don't know.

But even deeper than that, it's an ugly-duckling-turned-swan sort of story that exposes the darker human struggle - sex and drugs and all of the temptations in between - and our deeply ingrained need for companionship.

You're guaranteed to never look at a gas station attendant in the same way ever again.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Indie Book Buzz: Graywolf Press

It's a great day for some Indie Book Buzz here at TNBBC. Over the next few weeks, we will be inviting members of the indie publishing houses to share which of their upcoming 2012 releases they are most excited about!

This week's picks come from Marisa Atkinson,
Marketing and Publicity Associate at Graywolf Press

BOLETO by Alyson Hagy
(May 2012) 

Get ready to fall in love with your new favorite book: BOLETO by Alyson Hagy. This is one of the most sincere, authentic, and moving novels I’ve read in a very long time, and it tops my list of Graywolf favorites. Hagy (Ghosts of Wyoming and Snow, Ashes) is a remarkable writer; I continually marvel at how she’s able to pack so much punch into such economical phrasing. Sure, BOLETO is the story of a young man (the swoon-worthy, heartbreaking Will Testerman, played by Ryan Gosling in my mind from the start) and his filly, but this is no mere “horse novel.” It’s a coming-of-age novel, a family drama, a Western, a survival tale, and an exposé of the equine circuit. It is a breathtaking masterpiece somehow contained within a mere 250 pages. I really can’t recommend it highly enough.

INFERNO by Dante Alighieri 
a new translation by Mary Jo Bang, 
illustrated by Henrik Drescher
(June 2012)

If you’re rolling your eyes at yet another edition of Dante’s Inferno, I don’t blame you, but trust me: Bang’s interpretation is truly is unlike any Dante you’ve read before. Though she faithfully translated INFERNO from the medieval Italian of the original, Bang’s translation is an imaginative and lively modernization, complete with pop culture references and twenty-first century touchstones. This collection is sure to cause at least a little controversy, as not everyone likes their Dante with a side of Bob Dylan, South Park, and Michael Jackson. But personally, I’m on the side of readership that loves the idea of updating canonical tomes for the modern age, and I know I’m not alone (hello, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies!). The collection is also illustrated with the haunting work of Henrik Drescher, so once you’re done reading it will make a stunning objet d’art unfurled on your coffee table. Graywolf will be promoting INFERNO at BEA in June, so be sure to stop by and check it out.

Graywolf's line-ups always impress me. I wish I could devote time to reading everything they put out there, but alas, I cannot. However, dear collective readers, if you were to get your hands on one of these when they release, please be sure to come back and tell me how they were. I want to live vicariously through you!

About Marissa

Marisa Atkinson is the Marketing and Publicity Associate at Graywolf Press, where she has worked with Belle Boggs, Marie Mutsuki Mockett, Jim Moore, Melanie Rae Thon, and others. She will read any coming-of-age or campus novel you put in front of her. She has never read The Great Gatsby, but promises it’s on her summer reading list. You can follow her on Twitter at @totesmarisa and check outGraywolf on Facebook.

So what do you think guys? See anything that catches your eye? Which of these books are you most excited to see release? Help TNBBC and Graywolf Press spread the buzz about these books by sharing this post with others!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Review: The Avian Gospels

Read 1/31/12 - 2/11/12
4.5 Stars - Highly Recommended to fans of dystopian fiction who don't require a nice neat bow on the how's and why's.
Combined pg count: 442
Publisher: Short Flight/Long Drive

So, the lapsed Catholic in me is chuckling as I find myself, for the second time in as many months, reviewing a book that outwardly appears to be religious in nature. The first was Beatitude by Larry Closs which, as you can see from the title, would require some explanation. Rest assured, dear reader, the book had nothing to do with the eight blessings found within the bible. I promise you.

The second book, of course, would be this one. Look at these babies, wouldja?! The Avian Gospels is a full length novel marketed as a two volume set of mini bible lookalikes, complete with luscious red textured covers, gold lined pages, and red ribbon marker. The pages even have lines marked in multiple of 5's, like the actual bible marks the lines and verse for easy reference. They are really quite lovely, and may very possibly be the most perfectly packaged books I have ever read.

But enough about the book as an object. You probably just want to know what it's about, right?

Here's the quick and dirty. The Avian Gospels is a story about a nameless war ravaged city that is suddenly, unexpectedly, buried beneath a plague of birds. For no known reason, millions of them flock to the city at once, blotting out the sun and covering the ground in a blanket of feathers and beaks.

This city, which, besides being nameless, also appears to be locationless - sandwiched somewhere between Hungary and Oklahoma (now I admit to being geographically challenged, I am pretty sure that in this version of the world, Hungary and Oklahoma appear to be butted up against one another) - this city is run by a power hungry man who calls himself The Judge. His soldiers, the RedBlacks, enforce his rules with their fists and heels - motivating the city's inhabitants and maintaining the upper hand by any and all means necessary (brute force and torture being among their favorites).

There are three castes, or groups, of people co-existing within the city walls: The RedBlacks and their kin - natives of the city who rule the businesses and the streets; the Gypsies - who fled their native home of Norway during the war and who now hide from the RedBlacks underground, calling the twisted system of tunnels and trapdoors their homes; and then there are the two Swedes who can control the birds - Zvominir and his son Morgan.

Once the Judge discovers that Zvominir and Morgan can control the birds, he quickly employs them to clear the city of the flying creatures. Zvominir, desperate to give his son an easy life, sucks up to the Judge and performs daily walks through the city sending the birds away. His influence over them can only last for so long however, and within a few days the birds migrate back...

Morgan, on the other hand, uses his power to woo the crowds, creating intricate and captivating masterpieces in the sky - using every color and species of bird there is. He is not as spineless as his father though, and rather than pool their powers together, they end up turning them onto each other... Zvominir believes in continuing to work for the Judge, purging out the birds day in and day out, while Morgan - sick of the way he and the Gypsies are being treated - takes up with Jane and the two begin to devise a plan to take the city back from the RedBlacks.

All of this is told to us by a strange and elusive collective that refer to themselves simply as "we" and "us". They appear to be telling the story after the fact, disclosing events that took place in the past and - if we are to believe them - that took place before they were even alive. This collective seems to have had no first hand experience with Zvominir, Morgan, or any of the situations they have been revealing. They also appeared to be independent of sides which led me to believe, by the books end, that in their time - however far into the future that might be - there are no longer any divisive lines between the natives and the Gypsies.

I struggled immensely throughout the novel with the reliability of our narrators. I mean, how well preserved can these stories have been? How many times had they been handed down before they were shared with us? How much time had passed between the actual events and committing the events to pen and paper?

And then this got me thinking again about the whole religious angle. I mean, besides me mentioning at the start of all this the fact that the darn things looked like mini bibles, you know? Cause, well, isn't this what kind of happened with the stories of the bible? Weren't those events supposed to be a part of our past? Weren't they all witnessed by different people, who then passed their versions back and forth verbally, until finally someone, somehow, committed these versions of the events to paper later on? Just how reliable are those events... the events we are supposed to believe in so unflinchingly, the events that are preached to us when we sit in church during the Sunday masses? Events that are told to us from a collective group of people who were not there to witness them for themselves. Should I even be making this kind of connection? Was any of this Adam Novy's intent?

Could Adam, the author behind The Avian Gospels, have set up this entirely bizarre, beautiful story with the hopes that we would make this connection on our own? Did he have advanced knowledge that his publisher would market the books as mini bibles, and that his collective narrators would spawn this type of thinking in his readers? Or is this me just throwing my own fucked up, twisted, agnostic views out there to see if something sticks?

Reading through most of the reviews posted to Goodreads, it would appear that I am as I feared. I'm the only one making this sort of connection between the two. And I wouldn't be surprised to find out that I am completely, embarrassingly, and entirely off-base. I mean, check out this incredibly well thought out review by Bullet Review - the guy sees such a lack of tie-in to the Catholic religion that he even asks at the end of the dang thing why it's called a gospel! Yet he sees so much more than I did at first glance.

But that's cool with me, cause no matter what the author's intent was, no matter what I ended up taking away or completely overlooking, I thoroughly loved this book. It stirred my brain, it made me think, and it captivated me. It's a war story without being a war story. It's a survival story without being a survival story. It's what you make of it while you're reading it. One of the things I really enjoyed about it, which usually annoys me to no end, is the fact that some things were just never explained. Like, why did the birds suddenly migrate to the city? And what chain of events placed the Judge in the seat of power over the city? And just who are our narrators?

Not to mention that it's a pretty freaking amazing concept, isn't it? I mean, hello... two guys who have the power to influence birds?!!