Thursday, November 15, 2012

Indie Spotlight: Lance Carbuncle's Sloughing Off the Rot

Dear readers, you are in for a treat today! We've got an exclusive sneak peek at Lance Carbuncle's upcoming new novel Sloughing Off the Rot. 

Lance and I have known each other (cyberly) for quite awhile. I've read and LURVED both of his self published novels, hosted an author Q&A with him, and interviewed him for this blog. 

Actually, the story of how we first came to know each other is kinda funny-in-an-embarrassing-for-me way. Back in the days between TNBBC's birth on Goodreads and my decision to start blogging, before I really knew what "reviewing" was, Lance had reached out to me and asked if he could send over a copy of his first novel. I still have the message in my Goodreads inbox, where I responded by saying: 

Wait a minute, you're not a stalker, are you? I would hate for this to be some kind of sick set up for a new novel... {{Author visits the reader's home to 'hand deliver' the prized book, kidnaps and tortures her as she reads it, then leaves her on the side of the road, beaten and broken, after he forced her hand for a great review}}... 

Not my proudest moment, I can tell you. Anyhow, here we are, nearly 4 years to the month, celebrating Lance's soon-to-be-debuted new novel! 

Lemme go ahead and turn this thing over to Lance:


The Next Best Book Club is kind enough to present the opening chapters of my third book, Sloughing Off the Rot. This book is a bit of a departure for me in that it incorporates aspects of horror and fantasy and has something of a spiritual (but not preachy) tone to it. This is not because I am particularly spiritual (I’m not, at all), but because I wanted to address the philosophical theme of inherent goodness that is in each one of us (even the worst of us). Unexpectedly, when one eliminates the violence, gore, and weirdly uncomfortable situations from the story, Sloughing Off the Rot turns out to be an optimistic statement about innate human goodness thriving under the proper circumstances and guidance. Of course, you will have to wade, thigh-high, through a sea of blood, puke, piss and filth to get to the message of virtue and redemption (kind of like the bible without all of the boring parts about who begat what or how to compensate a man for the loss of his ass or daughter).

If you have read and (hopefully) enjoyed either of my first two books, I am confident that you will recognize the narrative voice of Carbuncle in Sloughing Off the Rot. Yes, in parts the story is vulgar and disgusting, but what do you expect from a guy who chooses to base his pseudonym on an infected boil. I guess that I like the challenge of making my readers cringe, yet at the same time still want to read more. And if you’ve already read my work, you know to expect this. Also, you will likely notice ties to my other books. It is a lot of fun as an author to continue the conceptual continuity of the fictional Carbuncle Universe. Hopefully this does not come off as self-absorbed or self-impressed. It was merely fun tie my other works in and I hope that my readers feel the same way.

Sloughing Off the Rot was a lot of fun to write. And, this book was even more enjoyable because I had a talented artist, Kelly Williams, illustrate it. It was a blast working with Kelly and watching the physical manifestations of some of my characters materialize. (Check out a bit of the awesome artwork below).

Check out the opening sections of Sloughing Off the Rot. And, if you like it you can preorder a signed copy at

As a special offer, anybody who preorders a copy of the book through my website will get a free eBook version of their choice of either of my first two novels.  Thanks for checking out the excerpt of Sloughing Off the Rot.  Please spread the word about my work if you enjoy it. Thanks.


Sloughing Off the Rot 
Sneak Peek

And that night John went to bed without eating his dinner. Zonked on zolpidem and single malt scotch, wrapped tightly in his super-special 1,000 thread count sheets and nestled comfortably on his newfangled memory foam-reclining-adjustable king-sized bed, John blacked out just after lying down. Peaceful nothingness swirled around him, tossing off flecks of gold and strands of cool blue. The ten thousand things fled and left in their place a cozy void.
            And that night a screeching horn section from below jarred John from his warm nothingness. Dissonant, jagged saxophone, rending the night and prematurely tearing the morning from its belly. Screaming brass devil, like the Demon Zorn ass-raping Kenny G with a chainsaw. Raw blistering giggle-jazz. 
            And that night John heard a voice, as a trumpet in his head. And the voice commanded: “You shall henceforth be known as John the Revelator. And you shall walk 500 miles. And when you wake up, you’re gonna be the man that wakes up next to me.”
            “Who are you? What are you?” asked John.
            “I am the alpha and the omega, the first and last.”
            “I don’t understand.”
            “I am you as you are me as you are he and we are all together.”
            “What is that even supposed to mean?”
            “Enough of your questions and your havering.  There is important business before us,” the voice demanded.
            And that morning, when John received his walking orders, he asked no questions. He did as he was bade by the commanding disembodied presence that he assumed to be the God he never really believed in. Surveying his surroundings, John realized that his room was no longer a room, but instead a craggy cave. His bed was now indiscernible from the dusty ground, his memory foam pillow now a rock. And beside the spot where he awoke was a hole five cubits in diameter. John peered into the pit but saw no bottom. He dropped a rock but the sound of it hitting bottom never came to him. At the edge of the pit were claw marks in the sand and a trail that dragged itself to the spot where John awoke.
            The voice, now speaking in a gentler tone, said, “You have not been true to me, nor to yourself. But, you are a good soul. Now is your chance for redemption. Before your journey, it will be necessary to polish thy rod and salve it with balms and ointments. Do this and your seed will find purchase, thus populating this desolate land. Be true with the stroke on your sanctified rod and your issue will increase exponentially and be fruitful.”
            On the floor at his feet sat earthen jars filled with aromatic balms and ointments. The perfumed scents of frankincense, and myrrh and patchouli wafted from the containers. John’s member stood erect against his stomach when he bent and he noticed his nakedness for the first time. Inexplicable shame first gripped him but was quickly dashed by his arousal. Glancing around the cave, John confirmed that he was alone and dipped his hand in one of the clay pots. The golden goo from the pot warmed his hand and pleasured him greatly as he rubbed it on his loins.
            With each slow stroke of his hand John brought himself to ecstasy, and his loins issued great spouts of crimson spuz, like a massive bloody font. And a gory puddle formed at and around John’s feet, like the blood-soaked floor of a slaughterhouse. From the rippling surface of the blood-puddle, small unrecognizable forms dragged themselves, clawing madly at the ground, grimacing and pulling themselves through the dust, growing in power and size while leaving behind them rust-colored trails and torn membranes as evidence of their birth. And their screams, their wonderful horrible screams, gasped from newly formed throats. New jagged teeth cut through fresh pink gums. Some of the creatures stretched, morphing into muscular serpents, and slithered from the cave. Others took on three legs, four legs, five legs, more. Thick pelts of fur coated some while others were pale and wrinkled and unfinished in appearance. Horns and tusks sprouted from their faces and heads. Incipient bipeds, visibly growing and drunkenly stumbling away on awkward and uncoordinated spindles, instinctively sensed their superiority. A two-legged being fell on a small, bushy-tailed creature and beat at it, discovering the destructive power of the balled fists that had just formed at the ends of its arms. The biped, triumphant over the smaller creature, tested his pointy teeth and tore at the creature’s flesh, devouring it, fur and bones and all. Other two-legged creatures, some simian, some hominid, tore at the smaller creatures, rending their forms. And as the lesser creatures were destroyed, torn at, and stomped out, they reverted to bloody puddles, and new, different forms crawled from the pools and grew and moved out of the cave.
            Spent from onanism and birthing, John collapsed in a corner of the cave, and watched in both horror and fascination at the genesis of some creatures, and the death and rebirth of others. When the last of the beings slithered, slunk, scrambled, walked and crawled away, and the bloody puddle of mess was nothing more than a stinking brown taint on the ground, John wrapped his arms tightly around his knees and wept until all feelings deserted him. And he relapsed to the swirling nothingness of the void left in the absence of the ten thousand things.
            In a space of time that stretched out infinitely, but also contracted into a sliver of a moment, John wept away his fears and trepidations. And he rose and stepped wide around the rusty blot on the floor. And the commandment that he begin his journey rang in his head. And that morning, before dawn broke, John dressed in the white robe and breeches of fine twisted linen that were left for him. He slipped on leather sandals, exited the cave, and started walking.

            The red brick road snaked before him, a loopy serpent slinking its lazy way toward the horizon. John knew not the country around him and marveled at the alien landscape. Rust-colored rock formations presented with arches carved out of them by time and wind and water. The barrel cacti, in full bloom, birthed blood red flowers. The black and twisted skeletons of dead juniper trees silhouetted against the red sky. It all looked as arid and dusty as John’s throat felt.
            And as he walked along the road, the clanging tone and drone of an out of tune guitar tweaked John’s ears, the hint of a melody drawing him in while, at the same time, the slightly out of tune chords setting him ill at ease. An intermittently off-key twang of a voice crooned about garbage dumps and their previously unsung benefits. The grating voice finished the song with “and that sums it up in one big lump,” as the high E string snapped with the last strum.
            “Ah, it will be fair weather, my brother, for the sky is red.” The voice, with forty grit coarseness and dry as the red sand around them, issued from a slight figure with a crusty tangle of a beard and the mystical bearing of a holy man. With merely a girdle of skin about his loins and a leather pouch hanging from his neck, and holding a weather-beaten guitar close to his chest, the bearded man sat atop a balanced rock and bored into John with bulging, unblinking eyes.
            “Who are you?” asked John. “Where am I? What the hell is going on?”
            “I’m the son of man, son.” The man went silent and his face contorted, cycling through and miming random emotions. All the while, his intense unblinking eyes stayed locked on John. The face emoted confusion, switched to astonishment, followed by sorrow, glee, horror, amazement, anger, and settled finally on contentment. “I am nobody. I’m a tramp, a bum, a hobo. I’m a boxcar and a jug of wine. And I’m a straight razor if you get too close to me. I go by many names. Santiago. El Diablo. Jerry. Whatever you want to call me, I’m sure I’ve been called worse. Santiago will be just fine for our purposes.”
            “What are our purposes?”
            Setting his guitar beside him on the rock and cocking half of his bushy unibrow, Santiago smiled broadly and answered, “well for now it seems that our purpose is for you to toss questions at me as if I’m somehow obligated to give you all the answers. And then I’m supposed to spoon-feed you the meaning of life. Right, Johnny?”
            “Why do you call me Johnny? Is that my name? How do you know it?”
            “See, there you go again. All pushy with the questions. Yeah, your name’s Johnny, for our purposes. And how do I know? Shit, boy, I’ve been waiting for you twenty and five days and nights. I’ve been living on the desert jive, just stayin’ alive. You took long enough to leave the cave, didn’t ya?”
            “You’ve been waiting for me?” said John. “But why?”
            “I’ve been fasting. And waiting. And walking. I spent a little time on the mountain. I spent a little time on the hill. I knew you’d be here. I just didn’t know it would take you so damn long. I’m starving, Jack.” Santiago leapt from his rock, ratty guitar held to his chest, and stuck his landing right next to the pinyon pine several feet to John’s side.
            “I don’t get it,” said John. “I don’t know who I am. I don’t remember anything. I woke up in a cave and I must have been hallucinating because I can’t believe the things I saw. And now you’re here, telling me that you’ve been waiting for me.”
            “Right on,” said Santiago, cocking his eyebrow to the point that it looked painful.
            “So tell me again, what are our purposes?”
            “You’re going on a journey. Dig? A helluva trip. One big mind-fuck and I get to tag along.” Santiago accented his words with a fluttering hand and circled John. “Ain’t that a big kick in the nuggets?”
            “A journey?” John rolled his eyes, threw back his head and sighed deeply, trying to get on top of the panic that was rising in him. “You’re telling me I’m going on a journey. I’m in no shape for this. Obviously I must have suffered a head injury or something. I need to get to a hospital. And you say I’m going on a journey. Says who?”
            Santiago’s mouth snapped shut and a bland blankness washed over his face. Although his eyes lacked expression, Santiago’s fingers flew over the fretboard of his guitar while his right hand feverishly plucked strained strings, plinking away at a jangling staccato, ostinato arpeggio and ignoring John’s questions, circling John, dancing faster and faster as the tempo of his disharmonious notes quickened.
            “Stop!” shouted John, reaching out and trying unsuccessfully to grab the nimble little man by his hair. “Stop now and answer me.”
            Santiago danced and dodged and plucked the repetitive spastic notes, the strings going more and more out of tune and spitting out a warped, grating song. Born of his complete frustration, John mustered the speed and agility to finally grasp Santiago by his tangled hair and wrest the guitar away from him.
            “Ahhhh!” screamed John. “Ahhhhh!” and he bashed the guitar against the balanced rock, reducing the instrument to jagged fragments and splinters. The guitar’s wooden body lay in horrid disrepair at John’s feet as he stood, hyperventilating and grasping the broken guitar neck in his hand. Pathetic metal strings dangled from the neck, as if trying to drop to the ground and take root.
            “Oh. You wanna play rough, Johnny?” An almost joyful glint in his eyes, Santiago leapt back and dropped into a wrestling stance. His feet spread to shoulder width, one in front and the other lagging back, knees bent with elbows near the thighs, and hands held out in tensed claws as if to fend off any further attack. “I was just trying to play some music to help you calm down. And you attack me? I see how it’s gonna be. Well let’s roll then.”
            Before John could say “no” or even brace himself for the attack, Santiagosprang and was on him, a maddened savage gripping John’s torso and sweeping his legs. Face down in the red dust and choking on a mouthful of earth, John swung his arm back behind him in an effort to elbow the bushy-headed wild man off of him. Santiago effortlessly dodged the elbow and grabbed at the arm, twisting it high behind John’s back and dozing the red dirt with his face. With John’s arm still wrenched, Santiago mounted his back, wrapped his legs around and locked them on John’s inner thighs, rendering the larger man helpless.
            “Say uncle, Johnny,” Santiago whispered into John’s ear, the stench from his rotten mouth making John’s eyes water.
            “Get off of me.” John wriggled in Santiago’s hold but was unable to free himself. “Get the fuck off of me.”
            “Just say uncle and I’ll let you up.”
            “No!” John struggled and rolled but Santiago clung to his back, like a dog locked in coitus with a bitch.
            “If you won’t say it, then you’re escalating this thing.” Santiago leaned in with brown stumps that used to be teeth and tore off the top of John’s ear. Blood dribbled down his chin as he chewed on the gristle of the ear and swallowed.
            Blood rained from the remainder of John’s ear and soaked into the sand. “Owww! Fuck. Okay. Okay. Uncle. Get off of me.”
            Santiago sprung from John and reverted to his defensive wrestling stance, hands out in front and clawed for another attack. His unblinking eyes locked on John’s. “Are we done with this nonsense? Are we cool?” asked Santiago. “Can we get on with things now?”
            John rose unsteadily to his feet and wobbled, almost falling back down. Backing away from Santiago, John said, “You ate my ear. You ate my fucking ear. You’re crazy. Just leave me alone.” He continued to shrink back from Santiago, shaking his head in disbelief. “You ate my fucking ear.”
            Thin, dry lips parted, revealing Santiago’s moldy smile. “Come on, man. It doesn’t matter. Your ear will grow back. And besides, I warned you that I was hungry. I’m always hungry, man. You should have said uncle.”
            “What do you mean my ear will grow back?” John held his hand tightly to the side of his head to stanch the bleeding and felt the thub, thub, thub, thub of the injury throbbing on the palm of his hand.
            “That’s the way things work here.”
            “Where is here?” asked John, waving his free hand about around himself.
            “That’s what you need to find out,” said Santiago as he climbed back atop the balanced rock and sat, Indian style.
            “I need to be anywhere but here,” John said. He turned and started to walk. “I certainly don’t need to be attacked and chewed on.”
            “Wait up, man,” Santiago shouted from the rock as John continued to walk away. “Don’t you want to know what our purposes are before you split?”
            And John paused his retreat, stopping but not turning back. “Why should I believe that you have any answers for me?”
            “Because I’m spiritually allied with the desert, Jack. I’m spiritually allied with the scorpion and the wolf. You live in your physical realm. But, I’m in the spiritual, baby. I walk and talk and do all the physical things. But that’s only because I want to. Dig? If I don’t want to do something, I don’t have to. I’m not stuck on that trip. See?”
            “No, Santiago or whatever your name is, I don’t see,” said John, flapping his arms about spastically as if slapping Santiago’s words from the air before they could reach him. “You don’t make any sense. If you have some answers for me, please just give them.”
            “I have no answers.”
            “Then why did you ask me to stop?”
            “Because I know where your answers can be found.”
            “Well, tell me then,” said John.
            “You must climb the mountain and seek the counsel of the burning thorn bush.”
            “Okay, so you’re just talking nonsense again. I get it. Thanks for nothing.” John turned and began walking again. Almost immediately, Santiago appeared at his side, grabbing his arm to stop him.
            “For real, man,” Santiago said. “Just turn around and look.”
            With the last of his patience, John stopped and turned around. Santiago’s buggy whip arm extended his hand and pointed toward the mountain from which John exited. A stone’s throw above the cave entrance sat a thorn bush, alight with great blue and orange flames, but the bush itself did not burn.


Oh but wait... we're not done yet! 
Lance has cooked up a cool giveaway to help promote Sloughing Off the Rot.

2 Grand Prize Winners (US Residents only due to Shipping)
A signed copy of Sloughing Off the Rot

2 Runners-up (International)
eBook copies of both 
in the format of your choice


The giveaway runs through November 23rd
Winners will be announced on November 24th here and via email

(be sure to tell us what country you are in so your comment counts!)

Good luck!!

The Dr. Reverend Lance Carbuncle was born sometime during the last millennium and he’s been getting bigger, older and uglier ever since. Carbuncle is an ordained minister with the Church of Spiritual Humanism. Carbuncle doesn’t eat deviled eggs and he doesn’t drink cheap beer. Carbuncle doesn’t wear sock garters. Carbuncle does tell stories. Carbuncle’s stories are channeled through a pathetic little man who has to work a respectable job during the days in order to feed the infestation of children in his house. Carbuncle is the author of Smashed, Squashed, Splattered, Chewed, Chunked and Spewed and the 2009 Reader’s Views Literary Awards Humorous Fiction Winner, Grundish and Askew. Carbuncle’s third novel (unnamed at the present) will be released in November/December of 2012 by Vicious Galoot Books. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Where Writers Write: Nan Cuba

Welcome to another installment of TNBBC's Where Writers Write!

Where Writers Write is a weekly series that will feature a different author every Wednesday as they showcase their writing spaces using short form essay, photos, and/or video. As a lover of books and all of the hard work that goes into creating them, I thought it would be fun to see where some of TNBBC's favorite authors roll up their sleeves and make the magic happen. 

This is Nan Cuba. She received her MFA in fiction from the Warren Wilson Program for Writers, is the founder and executive director emeritus of Gemini Ink, a nonprofit literary center (, was twice the runner-up for the Dobie Paisano Fellowship, and received a Fundación Valparaiso Residency Grant in Mojácar, Spain. She is currently an associate professor of English at Our Lady of the Lake University. As an investigative journalist, she reported on the causes of extraordinary violence in publications such as LIFE and D Magazine. Her stories, poems, and reviews have appeared in Quarterly West, Columbia: A Magazine of Poetry & Prose, the Bloomsbury Review, and the Harvard Review, among others. She is coeditor of Art at Our Doorstep: San Antonio Writers & Artists (Trinity University Press, 2008), and her novel, Body and Bread, will be published by Engine Books in May 2013.

Where Nan Cuba Writes

I’m sixty-five, and I’ve reverted to the womb.  When I converted a bedroom into my office, I consciously filled it with memorabilia and art, surrounding myself with artifacts that stimulate and nourish.  Everywhere I look: faces, scenes, chatter.  Stuck for a piece of dialogue: glance at the bookshelf to the left.  Need an image: look inside the glass-fronted cabinet above the desk.  If nothing else works, check the window on one wall.

I’m a phenomenon of self-discipline, a holdover from my Bible-belt upbringing.  When I sit at my desk, I have no trouble getting to work.  So once, I tried writing according to a specific schedule.  Fitting time around my day job, I rose at 4:00 a.m., read the previous day’s product, then pounded out a pledged three pages.  I loved being in the world when everyone else seemed out of it.  The dark, the quiet, the stillness invigorated, sending me straight to my subconscious.  Like an automaton, I stuck to my schedule because I’d been trained that failing to meet a commitment meant irresponsibility, flawed character, and worse, a father’s disappointment.  I was proud, productive, and finally, exhausted.  After five months, I went to bed with the flu, sleeping almost continually for a week.

Now, like all my other tasks—planning classes, grading papers, running errands—I fit my writing into life’s evolving demands.  Although I miss that wee-hour nether-world, I can produce whenever I keep my appointment at the computer.  Like getting a haircut or attending faculty assembly, my writing opportunities vary but are slotted into my schedule.  I block out days on my calendar for upcoming projects and announce this to my family.  When I start writing, I find eating, talking, even dressing an irritation.  My husband brings meals on a tray.  I have arthritic hips, so I sit on a pillow, but eventually an ache forces me to rise and check the mail or take a trip to the bathroom.  If someone talks, I share what I’ve been working on, watching reactions.  Then I return to my computer.  Instead of clutching a rifle like Charlton Heston, my “cold, hard hands” will someday have to be pried from the keyboard. 

I used to listen to the local classical radio station, but I’ve switched to one that plays jazz.  My parents were characters straight from Mad Men, a glass of Scotch in one hand, a cigarette or pipe in the other, songs by Nancy Wilson, Sarah Vaughn, or Benny Goodman filling our house, all of it topnotch background music I still hear.  I remember watching these artists and others—Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, Billie Holliday—on TV.  Once, I took my daughter to see Dizzy Gillespie at the Blue Note in NYC.  Now, it’s Coltrane, Simone, Monk, Parker, too many to name.  Like the narrator in Baldwin’s “Sonny’s Blues,” I enter every lick and pitch, listening to the haunting messages, warmed and bothered, opening while I type. 

Like these musical idols, amazing writers also inspire me.  Each came to my house while I served as executive director of a literary center, Gemini Ink (, and I collected their autographs on a door frame that now borders my bookshelf.  Former teachers, role models, a few friends—literary icons, all—they cheer me on.  What else?  My grandmother’s sinister ceramic Easter rabbits, my father’s knit booties and toy horses, a Michael Nye photograph of two Indonesian women in saris, a pottery figure of the Mexica goddess Tlazolteotl, an iron mask of Sophocles, a former student’s pen-and-ink drawing, “The Poetess,” of what looks like a manikin on a gurney in a torture chamber. 

I sit at my grandmother’s drop-front secretary, an antique my mother used in a room she called the study.  My wallpaper is a jumble of letters from the Greek and English alphabets.  Even my paperclips have a special holder, one passed from my grandmother, to my mother, to me: a ceramic bug-eyed baby bird, its mouth stretched wide, its right foot glued at the ankle.  I’m cushioned and surrounded.  Ready to write.

Check back next week to see the writing space of Brian Griffith.

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Audio Series - Robert Kloss

Our audio series "The Authors Read. We Listen." is an incredibly special one for us. Hatched in a NYC club during BEA week, this feature requires more work of the author than any of the ones that have come before. And that makes it all the more sweeter when you see, or rather, hear them read excerpts from their own novels, in their own voices, the way their stories were meant to be heard.   

Today, Robert Kloss is reading an excerpt from his upcoming release The Alligators of AbrahamRobert Kloss is also the author of How the Days of Love & Diphtheria. He is found online at  Mud Luscious Press drops the book November 15th. 

Click the soundcloud file below to experience an excerpt of The Alligators of Abraham read by author Robert Kloss.

The word on The Alligators of Abraham:

Robert Kloss's The Alligators of Abraham is a fever dream built from the fly strewn corpses of armies, the megalomania of generals, the madness of widows, the fires of mourning, the fury of the poor, the indifference of the wealthy, and the ravenous hissing of those alligators who have ever plagued the shores of our national nightmares. With a cover design and interior illustrations by Matt Kish (author of Tin House's Moby-Dick in Pictures), this is a Civil War epic unlike any other.
*lifted from goodreads with love

And due to some incredibly fortunate timing, if you are looking for more Kloss, you can find texts inspired by The Alligators of Abraham at Sundog Lit, the author's playlist, and a shortie by Kloss titled "The Inheritance of Man". 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Indie Spotlight- 3:AM Press

Imagine waking up to find your literary magazine gone. Completely and bizarrely... just.. gone. Without a trace. As if it never was. Such was the story of 3:AM Magazine. Yet, rather than freak out about losing everything they had created (like I would have done!), out of the empty space that was left behind, 3:AM Press was born.

Christiana Spens, Producer and Creative Director, and author, is here to shine the spotlight on this new little press and tell us the story of how it came to be:

The Story Behind the Stories:

3:AM Press is a very young publishing company, and was conceived at a time of panic and crisis earlier this year. I had been involved with 3:AM Magazine for some time, and from about February this year, they had been serializing my novel, “Death of a Ladies’ Man”. However crisis struck when the entire online magazine just disappeared overnight. I remember meeting the Editor-in-Chief, Andrew Gallix, for a drink, somewhere in Montmartre, when he explained that the server had just disappeared, and so far all attempts to trace the owner of the server were winding up nowhere. It was at that point that we came up with the idea of 3:AM Press. Or rather, it was that point we decided to actually get it up and running. There had been talk of starting 3:AM Press for some time, but this particular crisis was the impetus we needed to really get started.

A week later, and I had the website up and a provisional list of authors. I had known Adam for a few months already, through slightly roudy drinking sessions that Andrew had organized but not actually attended (the other regulars were Gavin James Bower, Gerry Feehily and Karl Whitney). I read Adam’s book GREY CATS over the next week or so, and adored it, so that was one of our very first titles. Andrew also thought we might as well publish DEATH OF A LADIES’ MAN, since the website had disappeared before it had all been serialized, and that seemed to make sense. After that, Andrew introduced me to the philosopher Dylan Trigg. We all met in Montmartre a very hot June day (one of the few very hot June days in Paris that summer) and ended up chatting for hours and hours about his previous books and research, (and phobias) and of course the book he was to finish for us, BODY PARTS. 

By this time, 3:AM Magazine was luckily resurrected, after the owner of the server was tracked down to some tattoo parlour in the Mid-West, and he agreed to put the website back up. And I had a lot of work to do for the Press, with the help of Susan Tomaselli (an Editor for 3:AM Magazine) and graphic designer Will Stewart. Lee Rourke also got involved, with his collection of poetry, VARROA DESTRUCTOR, as well as a few as yet unannounced new authors. There have been a few moments of panic since we decided to launch 3:AM Press – a number of random technical problems, minor artistic differences, and a huge amount of admin – but mostly the launch has been an enjoyable learning curve. And my sisters are always around, should I need some help with PR or whatever.

That Parisian June seems very distant now, but I hope to go back for a reunion (and some readings) soon. Everybody has worked very hard to make the Press work out, and certainly I feel very lucky to be involved, and working with this particular group. There is a real sense of freedom and camaraderie – which is of course what indie publishing is all about. As a writer, publishing books can often be quite a lonely and disconcerting experience, but I think 3:AM Press avoids that, simply because everybody is involved. I always used to wish that publishing was more like film, in the sense that it can be hands-on and collaborative rather than solitary, and I think that’s pretty much what we’re doing here. On a personal level, I’ve enjoyed working on all the other aspects of book production, rather than simply panicking over my own sentences. It’s been exciting to shift from ‘writer’ to ‘director’, and to feel just as excited when the others’ books are finished, as I am when my own are done. I just hope everyone else enjoys them as much as I do. 

Christiana Spens is the author of “The Wrecking Ball” (Harper Perennial 2008), “The Socialite Manifesto” (Beautiful Books Ltd., 2009) and “Death of a Ladies’ Man” (3:AM Press, 2012), and has also written for Art Wednesday, Flux, Architectural Design and Studio International. She studied Philosophy at Cambridge (BA (Hons)) and is now studying for a Masters in Terrorism and Political Violence at St. Andrews. This may or may not be research for a spy novel.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Lavinia Ludlow's Guide to Books & Booze

Time to grab a book and get tipsy!

Books & Booze is a new mini-series of sorts here on TNBBC that will post every Friday in October. The participating authors were challenged to make up their own drinks, name and all, or create a drink list for their characters and/or readers using drinks that already exist. 

Lavinia Ludlow's Character's Get Their Booze On

It’s not often that I get to slam the ironies of my books’ main characters in one sitting, and simultaneously reveal the sharpest edges and darkest corners of my writing’s content. Today, I toast three characters in my debut novel alt.punk, as well as two characters in my upcoming sophomore novel Single Stroke Seven, with drinks invented exclusively for The Next Best Book Blog.

For those who have read alt.punk, you know what train wrecks Hazel and Otis were as individuals, and what psychotic a-bombs they became when they were together. For those who haven’t read alt.punk, in a nutshell, Hazel is a germaphobic suburbanite who tosses her job, sanitary living comforts, and her family’s hypercritical distain out the back door to hit the road touring the nation with a grimy, manic-depressive Goth rocker named Otis, and his disapproving severely left-winged whip-smart brother, Landon.

Oh, Otis, you simple-minded thirty-something psychotic man-boy who lacks the self-control and mental aptitude to put down the gas station generic hard liquor long enough to use a glass, much less mix a drink. For you, I’ve crafted the Otis Opus:

--One bottle or any large quantity slurry of the following: Jim Beam, Jack Daniel’s, Southern Comfort, Wild Turkey
--Splash of Listerine or Nyquil for added taste and/or color
**Garnish with backwashed chunks of own puke

Hazel, because you somehow believe processed foods such as Twix, Twinkies, Milano cookies, and diet soda are immune to carcinogens, pesticides, and whatever other infectious ailments you neurotically fear like hoof and mouth disease, mad cow, anthrax, E. coli, herpes, I’ve engineered the Hazel with a Twist:

--Boxed red wine so cheap that it tastes like grape juice or any other high-fructose corn syrup drink
--Martini glass coated with a thin film of hand sanitizer
**Garnish with a can of Pirouline hazelnut cookies eaten in one sitting

Landon, similar to the Glenfiddich Snow Phoenix, a limited edition, once-in-a-lifetime single malt borne from the disaster of the distillery roof collapse wherein casks of scotch varying in age were salvaged from the extreme snowy temperatures of the open air, you are the salvaged and remarkable remains of the disastrous fall from grace you had to watch your band, Riot Venom, and your brother, Otis, go through over the course of a few months. Although you’d probably call Glenfiddich Snow Phoenix a booze for pretentious yuppies who redefine douchebaggery, you should be toasted with this remarkable scotch straight up, and commended for your strength through the most dismal of situations (even though you served as Otis’ enabler for years, and you punched Hazel in the face, and some may theorize you drove her into the throes of a psychological breakdown, you’re still the biggest badass I’ve ever written, even bigger than my next book’s antagonist: Duncan).

I’m going to take advantage of the segue to introduce my upcoming second novel, Single Stroke Seven, a dark-humored “Behind the Music” glimpse into the chemistry of a Bay Area rock band that has yet to “make it” despite years of ambitious initiatives and unconventional sacrifices. In this tale, Lilith is a literal starving musician and trying to land an indie record label and nationally sponsored tour for her band. The stress of her job and her band mates’ figurative ADD, especially the band’s frontman, Duncan, prevent her from performing further than the rehearsal space in their house’s kitchen. Though there are multiple characters I could have explored, focusing on my main two characters will do justice to the novel without releasing any spoilers:

Duncan, because you’re the West Coast’s biggest hipster trust funder, who despite being thirty and living with his band, Dissonanz, in a moldy possibly government-subsidized Victorian shanty downtown San Jose, has never had any real-world work experience and can therefore buy thousands of dollars of edible gold leaf for the sole sake of “blinging up his food,” I’ve crafted the Tall, Dark, and Whorey, because you’re kind of a man-whore, who’s promiscuity and frivolous spending is brought on by the fact you have no life direction, aspirations, or deep and meaningful connection with anyone.

--Laphroaig Islay single malt scotch whiskey aged twenty-five years
--Wisk in two sheets of edible gold leaf
**Sip while smoking a ridiculously expensive brand of cigarette imported from a company you think is Irish and linked to your ancestors but is probably manufactured and distributed by some British conglomerate

Lilith, you are a diehard Gordon Biersch drinker because you have some inexplicable devotion to San Jose, California, but for you, I’ve crafted Lilith’s Run:

--Gin and tonic, minus the tonic because your job as a human resources administrator in an East Oakland bottling plant is a stress hell of frivolous claims and accusations of being the summer intern
**Shoot gin intermittently while gorging on an eclectic medley of cocktail pickles, martini olives, pickled eggs, pearl onions, maraschino cherries, and anything else a bartender would garnish drinks with like celery sticks, grape tomatoes, and fruit pieces fished out of sangria mixes, because everyone knows you’re a starving drummer who’s made meals out of condiments like Coffee-mate and ketchup, and your anxiety is on overdrive because you’re on the verge of aging-out of eligibility of Club 27 and you’ve yet to advance your music past dead end bar rock

Thanks to Lori Hettler for not only reviewing alt.punk and putting up with all the intense characters like Otis, Hazel, and Landon, but also challenging me with a writing prompt, to throw down my thoughts on drinks for these characters and gaining a better understanding of them in general. Big thanks for also allowing me a medium to introduce a few characters from my next novel, Single Stroke Seven, which has a seemingly sliding scale of being released in late 2013 or early 2014 through Casperian Books.

For those reading, I’m interested in reading your responses to Lori’s prompt. Email them to lavinia (dot) ludlow (at) gmail (dot) com or reply to Lori’s post directly. Happy writing, drinking, and/or writing about drinking!

Lavinia Ludlow is a musician, writer, and occasional contortionist. Her debut novelalt.punk can be purchased through major online retailers as well as Casperian Books’ website. Recently, her sophomore novel Single Stroke Seven was signed to Casperian Books as well. In her free time, she reviews independent literature over at places such as Small Press ReviewsSmalldoggies MagazineThe Nervous BreakdownAmerican Book Review, and Plumb Blog. She hearts all indie writers, musicians, and artists and hopes you do too. Find her on: FacebookGoodreads, Fictionaut,  Twitter

Thursday, November 8, 2012

AudioReview of All Things Denis Johnson and Will Patton

Rather than review each of Denis Johnson's audiobooks separately, I thought I'd spare you the multiple obsessive-love-gushes and cram them all into one post. It'll be like ripping off a band-aid, I promise. You ready? Ok, here we go....

I have to start this whole thing off by telling you how absolutely perfect this pairing of author and narrator is. Now, I confess to never having read Denis Johnson in print and I've never really seen Will Patton act, but holy hell, this combination is fucking magical. So magical, in fact, that I want to run up and whore-kiss whoever made the decision to partner them up. Seriously. When I die, my only request is that Denis Johnson write my life story and Will Patton narrate it.

Listened 9/30/12 - 10/2/12
5 Stars - The Next  Best (Audio) Book; I dare you to find a better author/narrator pair.
Audio: 3 cd's (approx 3 hrs)
Publisher: Macmillan Audiobook

I really had no clue who Denis Johnson was or what sort of novels he wrote but I was jonsing for new audiobooks, and saw this lying in the audio bins for $5 at the new Wholesale Distributor that opened up. When I searched the book on Goodreads, I saw tons of positive reviews and thought, what the hell, I'll give it a spin.

When I initially went to review this, I lost my words. All I could think of was "wow". Will Patton's whispery, clench-teethed narration perfectly complimented the drug addled voice of the collection's protagonist and Denis Johnson's sparse and powerful writing. I was glued to my car's speakers to and from work. I felt the words of the interconnected stories pulsing through me.

(Have you seen the indie film? I watched it immediately upon finishing the audiobook [the joys of netflix, instantaneous streaming] and while it was well done, Billy Crudup just couldn't capture the character the way Patton did.)

The story was actually right up my alley. A flawed and fucked up young dude, popping every and any pill he can get his hands on, falling in love with the wrong girls, hanging out with the wrong crowds, running his ass into the ground and dancing around death's door a few too many times before dusting himself off and cleaning himself up, and walking away from it all towards something better.

My favorite scene: When FH and Georgie wake in the cab of the pickup the morning after rescuing the little baby bunnies, only to discover FH has smooshed them in his sleep - Georgie: "Does everything you touch turn to shit? Does this happen to you every time?" FH: [weeping] No wonder everybody calls me "Fuck-Head." Georgie: It's a name that's going to stick. FH: I realize that. Georgie: "Fuck-Head" is gonna ride you to your grave. FH: I already said so, I agreed with you in advance. 

Needless to say, once the audiobook was over, I was jonsing twice as hard for another, and not just any audio would do. Oh no! It HAD to be Denis Johnson and Will Patton, and I was hoping to hell that the Wholesale Distributor had some in stock.

Listened 10/12/12 - 10/13/12
5 Stars - The Next Best (Audio) Book
Audio: 2 cd's (approx 2.5 hrs)
Publisher: Macmillan Audiobook

Back at the store, I found the Train Dreams audiobook, which won Denis Johnson The 2011 National Book Award. When it was initially announced, I had no interest in reading it at all. Turn of the century American West novels typically don't do a damn thing for me. But having experienced the magic of Denis Johnson's writing and Will Patton's narration, I wasted no time at all and plucked the little guy up and out of the audio bin, rushing to the counter so I could pay and pop it into the cd player of my car post-haste.

It's all railroad workers and fires that take out entire towns and making money any which way you can. Grainier, our main man, follows work where it takes him and suffers some of the most amazing and awful situations. It's an epic novella, in the sense that we follow Grainier through the many decades of his life, though it is one of the shortest audiobooks I have ever listened to. From the memories he's lost of his family growing up, to the curse laid upon him by the chinaman he tried to kill, and the deaths of his wife and baby girl, we watch Grainier fall apart and pull it back together in this incredible tale of identity and individual perseverance.

Will Patton nails it once again, with pitch perfect pacing, filling each sentence with raw and ragged emotion. Denis Johnson manages to say more with less and leaves you with a story that haunts you long after its over.

And back to the store I head again...

Listened 11/1/12 - 11/5/12
4 Stars - Strongly Recommended to audio fans; fuck genre and go get it
Audio: 4 cd's (approx 4.5 hrs)
Publisher: Macmillan Audio

Nobody Move is another one of those tricky books. Had I not already fallen head over heels for Denis Johnson and Will Patton, I wouldn't have touched this book with a ten foot pole. Set again in the American West, Johnson goes crime novel on us and tosses us into the middle of a  $2.3 million dollar cat and mouse chase where everyone is fucking everyone else over and no one sees it coming until it's too god damned late.

BUT, I was already head over heels for this twosome so the plot meant nothing to me. I NEEDED to experience Johnson and Patton again and no one was going to get in between me and this audiobook. And it turned out to be quite the pants-pisser, actually. These two guys, being the perfect team that they are, could probably read the phone book and I'd be all into it...

So here we've got this pulpy thriller with a dumb-luck leading man who manages to scrape clean out of some of the most ridiculously dangerous set-ups: Jimmy Luntz has stupidity and the worst kind of luck on his side. That last minute I-think-my-luck's-just-run-out kinda luck. He gets in with the wrong crowd, ball-eating local mafia wanna-be types, and falls in love with the wrong sorta girl, so not only does he have to work hard at keeping HIS own tail clean, but now he's also kind of inherited his girlfriend's mess as well. With big money comes big stakes and Denis Johnson just keeps raising 'em till we're left wondering how much more our not-so-heroic hero can take.

There's still one more audiobook out there, Tree of Smoke, and I'll be popping in and out of that store till they get it in stock, stalking the store like a drug fiend, and scaring off all the little kiddies and old fogies....

So what, dear reader, do I want you to take away from all of this? I want you to listen to a girl who never really goes ga-ga for audiobooks, and I want you to jot down the names of each of these books, and I want you to listen to them all, and I want  you to thank me for leading you to the holy grail of audio.

(Your welcome.)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Where Writers Write: Carol Guess

Welcome to another installment of TNBBC's Where Writers Write!

Where Writers Write is a weekly series that will feature a different author every Wednesday as they showcase their writing spaces using short form essay, photos, and/or video. As a lover of books and all of the hard work that goes into creating them, I thought it would be fun to see where some of TNBBC's favorite authors roll up their sleeves and make the magic happen. 

This is Carol Guess. She is the author of eleven books of poetry and prose, including Switch, Tinderbox Lawn, and Doll Studies: Forensics. She is Professor of English at Western Washington University, where she teaches Creative Writing and Queer Studies: Follow her here:

Where Carol Guess Writes

Dear Charming Reader,

I write in my head, unmapped terrain. It's excellent company to have this voice constantly narrating real and imaginary worlds: my own personal radio. So there's the radio inside my head, sometimes loud and sometimes turned down or turned off. Then the words, which end up on sticky notes or scraps of paper. Eventually I sit still long enough to tap things onto the computer. Then I need quiet and alone-ness to move the words around for weeks or months.

My best writing happens when I'm moving. Walking is great for turning the radio up real loud, so walking down the street is one place I write. Also, animals are excellent for talking to, because they don't care what the radio is playing. It's all noise to them. So sometimes I write alone in a room with an animal, or two, or three. I like to lie down, and because I'm always cold there's a heater, and coffee, and a white noise machine. A hot little coma of the room where I go.

Impediments to writing include: being cold; NOISE (noise, I hate you); people & their parties; insecurity; time sucks (stupid things we all waste time doing, like watching porn or cute animal videos); chores; RAN OUT OF COFFEE; publicizing books instead of writing them; worrying.

Likely scenarios for writing include: quiet; falling in love; great sex; no internet access; movement; reading beautiful poems out loud; collaborating with someone far away; warm blankets and fuzzy socks; dense bread and salt; coffee; rain; the color blue.

When I'm not writing I feel depressed, so detaching writing from a specific location has become very important. In fact I don't like thinking of writing as writing, and I don't believe really in the hype about rules, about how and who, about advice, about try this or that. I think some people have very loud radios, and I'm one of them, and if we don't record the songs in our heads, we go crazy. If you don't walk a dog, it chews up your shoes; it barks like a mad thing; it jumps all over the furniture. I mean the radio is a dog, too, this feral thing we try to tame.

Fondly Yours,

Check back next week to see where Nan Cuba writes.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Audio Series: Pat Pujolas

Our audio series "The Authors Read. We Listen." is an incredibly special one for us. Hatched in a NYC club during BEA week, this feature requires more work of the author than any of the ones that have come before. And that makes it all the more sweeter when you see, or rather, hear them read excerpts from their own novels, in their own voices, the way their stories were meant to be heard.   

Today, Pat Pujolas is reading an excerpt from his novel Jimmy Lagowski Saves the World.  The book was published by Independent Talent Group in March. Nominated for a XXXVI Pushcart Prize, Pujolas has also been published in Outsider Writers, Connotation Press, Jumping Blue Gods, and ManArchy magazine. He's credited with two episodes of MTV's animated series "3-South."

Click here to experience an excerpt of Jimmy Lagowski Saves the World read by author Pat Pujolas. 

The word on Jimmy Lagowski Saves the World:

“Two days before he was scheduled for jury duty and/or to commit suicide, Jimmy Lagowski received a postcard in the mail...” and so begins the title story in this masterful collection of interwoven narratives. Here: a badly-burned, depressed, and possibly alien 20-year-old is the lone vote of dissension in a controversial murder trial; a promising college sophomore ponders the implications of taking the morning-after pill; a retired maintenance man confronts his violent past in the checkout line of a discount supermarket; and a brilliant geologist struggles to recount the accidental death of an innocent child. Separately, these stories tell the tales of broken lives in 2012 Midwest America. Together, they tell a fearless and cohesive story of human tragedy, revenge, and forgiveness.
*lifted from goodreads with love

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Dreaming Books Blog Tour

Welcome to Day Three of Book Sexy Review's 

Here at TNBBC, we have a phobia about reading books out of order. So even though this is a book tour celebrating The Labyrinth of Dreaming Books, we've decided to start at the beginning and review it's predecessor The City of Dreaming Books. While it's the first of the Dreaming Books series, it's actually the fourth in Walter Moer's Zamonia series... I know, I know, I'm still sort of confused about the whole thing too!

Before I get too far into things I wanted to fess up straight away. I am not a fan of bookish literature. While I love books and often wake in the middle of the night in a cold sweat when I dream about life without them, I cannot stand reading books about books. I am not really sure why... maybe it has something to do with the fact that while I am reading, I do not want to read about someone else getting lost in a book? But that's just a wild guess. I've never been able to put my finger on it. As I am sure you can surmise from the title of the Dreaming Books series, well... they're obvious about books. An entire bookish city, in fact, complete with hidden libraries and odd, sometimes nightmarishly bookish creatures. And while I struggled to fall head over heels in love with Moer and Bookholm, I have come to realize that I am in the minority... who knew Moer had such insanely rabid fans!

Set in a world and time that doesn't really exist, the book is narrated by Optimus Yarnspinner, a clumsy, sheltered dinosaur who decides to leave the comfort of Lindworm Castle to track down the author of what he and his recently deceased Authorial Godfather deem to be the most incredible manuscript ever written.   (yes, in this world of Zamonia, books are highly revered and its inhabitants are raised by 'fairy author godfathers', if you will, who teach them to read and write and obsess over literature). I only mention the fact that Optimus is clumsy because he often makes reference to his size and less-than-elegant manner thoughout the book. In that way, quite early on, he began to remind me of Earl from that tragedy of a sitcom  in the early 90's Dinosaurs [please don't throw books at me!]. A dinosaur with too-large feet and a too-long tail that always seemed to get in his way. I had such a hard time bottling up the urge to shout "Not the Mama".

Even more than making fun of himself, Optimus seems to like to hear himself talk, and I often found myself losing patience with his side-stories... perhaps this is where his family inherited its last name? Easily distracting himself from the tale he sets out to tell us, our friendly narrator veers off topic throughout the entire novel, sharing incredibly long and detailed accounts of some of the most mundane things .. I admit to skimming through paragraph after paragraph of these one-sided philosophical ramblings. They appeared to add nothing of value to the storyline... only frustratingly adding to the overall page count. Oh dear, I fear I am doing that which I am complaining of right now. It's catching...!

Anyway, as I said, Optimus heads out to Bookholm (a book lovers wet-dream of a city where the streets are lined with bookstores of every type of literature imaginable) in the hopes of discovering this mysterious author and naively shares the manuscript with the wrong crowd. In no time, he gets himself poisoned -a victim of his own innocence and prey to a nefarious tyrant- and banished below the city in the underground catacombs. And here is where the story really starts....

In a dark and dangerous world where some books are hazardous to your health and others come to life to crawl around like bugs and snakes; where giant slug-like scientists terrorize the halls and cyclopic gnomes memorize entire libraries of their favorite authors; where all fear The Shadow King;  and where Book Hunters of all makes and models seek out the most valuable and demanded books in the world - and aren't afraid to kill you or one another in order  to wrap their furry or scaly fingers around them - I found myself worrying about Walter Moer's sanity. If you took ALL THE DRUGS IN THE WORLD, you still might not find yourself tripping as hard as he must have been when writing these stories.

The book comes complete with black and white drawings, included below, which lend the book a fairy tale feel, although it was obviously written with an adult audience in mind. There are famous author name anagrams sprinkled throughout (I suck at those things and only managed to decode ONE of them!), painfully cheesy made-up book titles, and mentions of spiders or spider-like creatures at almost every page turn...

So while I wasn't blown away by Bookholm and it's unorthodox inhabitants, I am glad that I chose to start at the beginning of the series. And while many of the people who've noticed that I was reading the book exclaimed how desperately they wished they lived in Bookholm, I've accepted the fact that fictional bookish worlds, those steeped heavily in fantasy elements or not, just aren't my cuppa tea. Even though it is obvious that Moer went to great lengths to build and develop this world of mystical, magical, and sinister creatures, I simply was not able to suspend my sense of belief far enough or long enough to lose myself in the ways in which Moer has intended.

And while I wish I had enjoyed the book more, I do thank Tara of Book Sexy Review for inviting me to be a part of the blog tour and for not shooting me through the chest with a poisoned arrow when I confessed that Walter Moer just isn't the man for me.

If you're tempted to learn more about Moer, the world of Zamonia, the city of Bookholm, and its underground labyrinth, please check out Day Four - Tara's leg of the tour - tomorrow....

Friday, November 2, 2012

Ryan W Bradley's Guide to Books & Booze

Time to grab a book and get tipsy!

Books & Booze is a new mini-series of sorts here on TNBBC that will post every Friday in October. The participating authors were challenged to make up their own drinks, name and all, or create a drink list for their characters and/or readers using drinks that already exist. 


So, you want to drink like a writer? Maybe like a fictional character? Sometimes the two aren’t so different from one another. I’ve certainly got more than my fair share of crazy booze related stories. There have been times I should have died, but I survived, and the reason I did was so that I could share my boozy wisdom with others. Personally, I have a lot of favorite drinks. Pretty much all hard alcohol, though I won’t drink tequila anymore because bad things happen when I do. Like wake up in a gutter bad. I also love wine and champagne, but *gasp* I don’t like beer. Except maybe Guinness, and even then I’m going to want it as part of an Irish Car Bomb.

Let’s say you’re sitting down to read something I wrote. OH MY GOSH, I’m so flattered! Seriously! Oh, and you want a drink to go with it? Consider me your sommelier. Here’s some suggested pairings for all my books and chapbooks.

AQUARIUM (Thunderclap! Press)

My first chapbook of poetry is split between confessional and more humorous/surreal pieces. There’s a dichotomy to it. For this one you want to be drinking something that is not just one thing. This is RWB Poetry 101. Break out the Rum and Coke. For bonus points my favorite rum is Captain Morgan’s Tattoo (which is delicious by itself, too).

PRIZE WINNERS (Artistically Declined Press)

My first collection of short stories is a torrent of intimate moments. Every story is about sex and how sex dictates interpersonal relationships. If there were ever a get drunk and f**k the next person you see book this is probably it. Don’t expect things to work out, but sometimes you need experiences in life, so you deal with the fallout later. So, just this once, go ahead and break out some Tequila shots.

MILE ZERO (Maverick Duck Press)

My second chapbook of poetry is poems about Alaska, from my childhood to working in the Arctic Circle. Alaskans like their booze. Construction in the Arctic is a cold, burly, unforgettable experience. It’s also simple and blunt. Grab a bottle of Jack Daniels and start chugging.

CODE FOR FAILURE (Black Coffee Press)

My debut novel is a torrid ride of debauchery, much of it booze induced, and based on my time as a gas station attendant. There is a ton of liquor consumed and always something different. You’re gonna blackout and you’re gonna wake up next to a stranger. If you’re prone to hangovers make sure you’ve got aspirin in your pocket. Now start lining up the Irish Car Bombs. That’s a pint glass of Guinness with a shot of half-Irish Cream, half-Irish Whiskey dropped into the glass and then chugged. Now repeat.

YOU ARE JAGUAR (Artistically Declined Press)

For a collaborative poetry collection you’ve got to wonder where this can go. The poems are steeped in surrealism and searches for answers. The world is an illusion. Find yourself a bottle of Absinthe and look out for the jungle cats.

CRUSHING ON A GHOST (Maverick Duck Press)

My third poetry chapbook comes out in December and is full of love poems directed at fictional spectres. If there is a way to make love to ghosts I’m convinced they’ve got a taste for the bubbly. Put the champagne on ice and curl up in bed while you wait for the ghosts to rise from the pages.

THE WAITING TIDE (Concepción Books)

My first full-length poetry collection is due in February and is an homage to Pablo Neruda’s famous collection of love poems, The Captain’s Verses. If you don’t think poetry can be sexy you haven’t been reading any good poetry. This book brings the sexy. It brings the ocean, the waves, and the moonlight. Get ready to sip some Mai Tai’s and make love in the sand.

Author Ryan W. Bradley jokingly calls himself a "blue collar renaissance man". He's pumped gas, changed oil, worked in a mechanic's shop, painted houses, done construction in the Arctic Circle, and has worked as a shipping and receiving coordinator for a university bookstore. Oh yeah, and he runs the very impressive, very indie Artistically Declined Press, which was featured here on Indie Spotlight.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Book Giveaway: Shout Her Lovely Name

Since July 2010, TNBBC has been bringing authors and readers together every month to get behind the book! This unique experience wouldn't be possible without the generous donations of the authors and publishers involved.   

I'm excited to be partnering with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 
to bring you next month's Author/Reader Discussion Book!

We will be reading and discussing

In order to stimulate discussion, 
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt has agreed to giveaway 10 copies 
to residents of US and Canada.

Here is the Goodreads description:

Mothers and daughters ride the familial tide of joy, regret, loathing, and love in these stories of resilient and flawed women. In a battle between a teenage daughter and her mother, wheat bread and plain yogurt become weapons. An aimless college student, married to her much older professor, sneaks cigarettes while caring for their newborn son. On the eve of her husband’s fiftieth birthday, a pilfered fifth of rum, an unexpected tattoo, and rogue teenagers leave a woman questioning her place. And in a suite of stories, we follow capricious, ambitious single mother Ruby and her cautious, steadfast daughter Nora through their tumultuous life—stray men, stray cats, and psychedelic drugs—in 1970s California.

Gimlet-eyed and emotionally generous, achingly real and beautifully written, these unforgettable stories lay bare the connection and conflict in families. Shout Her Lovely Name heralds the arrival of a powerful new writer.

This giveaway will run through November 9th. 
Winners will be announced here and via email on November 10th.

Here's how to enter:

1 - Leave a comment stating why you would like to win a copy.

2 - State that you agree to participate in the group read book discussion that will run from December 8th through December 22nd . Natalie Serber has agreed to participate in the discussion and will be available to answer any questions you may have for her. 

 *If you are chosen as a winner, by accepting the copy you are agreeing to read the book and join the group discussion at TNBBC on Goodreads (the thread for the discussion will be emailed to you before the discussion begins). 

 3 - Your comment must have a way to contact you (email is preferred). 

Good luck!!!