Friday, January 10, 2014

Book Review: Romance For Delinquents

Read 1/7/14 - 1/9/14
4 Stars - Strongly recommended to fans of shorties full of oddball, yet utterly familiar characters
212 Pages
Publisher: Fox Head Books
Releases: January 2014

Love is for suckers. Or at least it sometimes feels that way, don't it? We've all fallen for the new, naive love that births a billion butterflies in our chest. But what about when it becomes an angry and unreciprocated love, the kind that forces those fluttery little creatures down, one by one, into your stomach, where they churn and dissolve in your acidic emotions? Or how about the curious, borderline obsessive love that clouds our senses and causes us to act in strange and sometimes dangerous ways. Watch out that it doesn't turn into a jealous love, one that, as we begin to rage and howl, darkens those clouds and blinds our vision.

In Michael Wayne Hampton's Romance for Delinquents, we are judge, jury, and witness to love in all of its extremes: A photography student who double prints nudie photos at the film shop for his scrapbook; a series of couples who deal with infertility in their own, unique ways; the guy who reluctantly takes his old lady's kids to the local carnival and manages to pull it together long enough for them to collectively make a run for it when all hell breaks loose; an overweight, under-motivated amusement park employee who constructs a fantasy world around his soon-to-be-Russian-mail-order-bride; a middle aged man who falls in love, sight unseen, with a 15 year old high school radio jockey and grows balls big enough to start writing her fan letters....

These are people you may have already met. They stand in line around you in the grocery store. They smile at your kids from across the street. They rub elbows with you at the company party.

Hampton's characters are all poised on the edge of something... through his words we can feel their every breath, sense their muscles tense and release... and we watch and wait... for their final plunge...

Romance for Delinquents is a sharp, severe look at a moment in the lives of strangers - quick peeks and longer glimpses that hang with you for some time after the stories are over.

I plan on picking up some more of Hampton's work in the very near future, and I recommend you do the same.

Anyway, how can you turn away from its totally hip cover? That alone should be all the enticement you need!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Where Writers Write: Phillip Margulies

Welcome to another installment of TNBBC's Where Writers Write!

Where Writers Write is a weekly series that will feature a different author every Wednesday as they showcase their writing spaces using short form essay, photos, and/or video. As a lover of books and all of the hard work that goes into creating them, I thought it would be fun to see where the authors roll up their sleeves and make the magic happen. 

This is Phillip Margulies. 

He is the author of several books on science, politics, and history for young adults. He has won two New York Foundation for the Arts fellowships. He lives in New York City with his wife and two children. His novel Belle Cora just released yesterday. 

Where Philip Marguilies Writes

You should be able to write anywhere.  Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote in a Soviet prison camp, with frozen nostril hairs and numb fingertips.  He wrote in microscopic print on toilet paper. When toilet paper was scarce he memorized scenes and dialogue to set down if he was lucky enough to survive the gulag. I remind myself of that whenever I’m about to complain that my surroundings aren’t inspiring.  Students of the martial arts must learn to break boards with their bare hands; writers should train to write in totalitarian conditions, believing that, if they are discovered, each sentence will add a year to their sentence.  Besides, thinking of your writing as a crime against the state is a good antidote to the more usual condition of everyone’s complete, withering indifference.    

I don’t like writing in my apartment.  There are things begging to be cleaned and repaired; there’s a refrigerator full of food; it’s lonely. I create my masterpieces away from my home, washed over by wave on wave of strangers, or people I know slightly coming and going.  It feels like I’m writing on the back of an envelope in a quiet table for the least-favored guests at a wedding. I like to be the one still point, the person who overstays his welcome, at cafĂ©’s, at diner counters, at Dunkin Donuts, on the subway, in the Hungarian Pastry Shop on Amsterdam Avenue, in train station waiting rooms. I feed off the energy of crowds, as rock stars and stand-up comics are said to, except that I need to be completely unnoticed by the crowd.  No place is so charged with this energy than the concourse of Penn Station. It’s breathtaking, apocalyptic; wherever I turn I glimpse people I’ll see only once, including the woman who would have been my wife if I had not met the wife I have.  The churning chaos brings me a strange peace and I can write.  

I used to commute to such places the way other people commute to their jobs.  But it became impractical to throw away so much time, so for the last several years I’ve gone to the Starbucks on 181st Street about a block and a half from my house.  It was there that I wrote several nonfiction books, several unproduced plays, an unfinished novel about a detective with Asperger Syndrome, five unpublished short stories, assorted poems, songs, and eventually Belle Cora, which is not my first novel, but the first novel to be published after a half a century of writing amid swarms of people who did not care if ever wrote a word or had some other innocuous hobby instead.   

Every morning I rose at 6:00 a.m.  I made breakfast for my son, who is autistic.  I made sure that he was combed and dressed and his fly was zipped and he had his homework.  I would wait with him for the bus to a special education school in Queens and while we waited we would have a highly repetitive conversation about plot and continuity problems in the original Pokemon TV series; shallow spots in the ocean which he had identified by means of Google Earth as good places to build artificial islands; which cities are antipodes of other cities; the coincidentally exact relationship between the distribution of the five black keys on the piano and the distribution of the months of the year that have less than 31 days; or one of his other obsessions at the time.  Then I’d go up the street to Starbucks where I would give my freshest hours to Belle Cora before switching to The Devil on Trial, which my wife Maxine Rosaler and I were finishing then, or to Nuclear Nonproliferation and later America’s Role in the World, two full-length nonfiction books which I researched and wrote while writing the first draft of the first half of Belle Cora.

I’m staring at the screen, and typing, and according to friends who’ve seen me at it, usually my lips are moving because I’m muttering the words.   

Now and then, my diligence was observed by a young mother who would occasionally come in for her morning coffee, or would pass by the big plate glass window, on her way to catch a cab to her office at the William Morris Agency.  Whenever she passed Starbucks, she always seemed to see this bald-headed little Jewish man in his mid fifties feverishly typing and his lips moving.  The woman’s name was Dorian Karchmar.  Sometimes, on weekends, she would come in to read a fat double-spaced manuscript and mark it up in red pencil, and I would notice that.  We respected each other’s privacy and did not speak to each other.  However, one Saturday, Starbucks was very crowded and the only available seat happened to be at my table.  My young friend Maxim, the perpetual graduate student in philosophy, was there and he maintains that I would never have talked to her without his help, but I remember it differently.  Taking note of the manuscript and the red pencil, I asked if she was an editor.  She said, “I’m a literary agent.” 

“Really?”—coolly, my heart beating like its trying to escape from my ribcage.  “Fiction?”


“I’m writing an historical novel.” 

“Tell me a little bit about it.” 

I told her that it was based very loosely, on a real life parlor house madam, that is on the keeper and owner of the fanciest brothel in San Francisco during the gold rush years, who became nationally famous for bribing the jury during the trial of a her gambler lover, Charles Cora.  Every book-length history of the city of San Francisco devotes a page or two to Belle because of her battle with the 1856 San Francisco Committee of Vigilance, which was formed partly for the purpose of lynching Charles Cora.   I told Dorian that the novel was written in first person as Belle’s memoir; that it took Belle from childhood to old age; that she was a strong character who had to be broken time and again to emerge stronger than before; and that I was sure it was the best thing I had ever done and I had felt inspired from the moment I began it.  She gave me her card and said, “Email me when you’ve finished it.”

And then we both went back to our work.  I was afraid Maxim was going to hit on her, which is what he does, and ruin everything. 

From time to time Dorian would come in for her coffee and sometimes we would exchange a few words, sometimes not.  “How is it going,” she asked me sometimes.  “Almost done,” I’d answer, or “a few more weeks,” feeling that I was under a deadline and I was being negligent, and once she told me, chillingly, “Take your time: you’ve got one shot.”  Dorian has a tough side. I decided to revise the thing another time before I sent it.   Finally the exchange of emails began.  Her assistant read the first 75 pages and asked for the rest. He read it and liked it, and Dorian began to read it, and started to email me while she was in its first stages.  She wrote, “This is the best literary debut I’ve seen in years. Tell me a little bit about yourself.” I wrote back suavely; “I’ve been a debutante for many years now,” and I gave her a brief, guarded, strictly business account of my career.  In what struck me as a rather Hannibal Lectorish way she asked me for to be more expansive—she wanted me to be personal; she wanted to hear the pain.  So I supplied it— my brother’s suicide, my son’s autism, my father’s dementia.  At the end I apologized:   “Before I was too reticent, and now I’ve said too much.” “No,” she replied, “You haven’t overshared.”

Maxine read each of these emails and before I sent them we discussed them to death.  We lay in bed talking about them as another couple might discuss the possible outcomes of walking into the boss’s office and demanding a raise. 

When she was about 150 pages into the manuscript Dorian began to report, “It’s beginning to drag, but I’m still reading.”  

When she was done we met at Starbucks.  I was very nervous.  The following topics were discussed: good things about my novel, problems with it, my willingness to cut and rewrite; kinds of books Dorian liked, dismal state of the publishing industry that year; fate of my earlier novels, my possible contractual obligations to my present agent.

“We’ll take it step by step,” said Dorian.  Under her direction I spent another six months revising the novel before she said, “We’re ready as we’ll ever be.”  Only then did she send me a contract, and it seemed just a matter of days afterward that an editor at every publishing house in New York was reading my novel.  

Last year, apparently under orders from corporate headquarters in Seattle, my local Starbucks was brutally remodeled, in an obvious effort to rid the place of marathon malingerers like myself.  The big wooden tables were replaced by tiny Italian-style marble tables with room only for one laptop.  Half the chairs were removed, replaced by a long cushioned ledge along the windows, which offer no back support.  The music became louder.  The selection became less intelligent.   The chairs which used to face every which way, encouraging conversation, all face the window and the street now, as if to say, “What are you doing cooped up in here?  Why don’t you go outside and play?” In what they probably think of as their masterstroke, it is always kept too cold.  That’s where they made their mistake, in my case.  They don’t know about my Alexander Solzhenitsyn fetish.  They don’t know what it does to me when you make it cold.  The colder it gets, the more I write.   

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Drew Reviews: Foreign Gods, Inc

Foreign Gods, Inc. by Okey Ndibe 
3 Stars 
336 Pages
Publisher: Soho Press
Releases:  1/14/14

Guest review by Drew Broussard 

The Short Version: Ike, a Nigerian taxi driver in New York, has had a pretty poor string of luck.  Despite his good education and his immigration to the US, his life hasn't really been as successful as he'd hoped.  So he returns home intending to steal the war deity of his old tribe and sell it to a gallery in New York - but maybe the god himself has other plans.
The Review: The single thing that I think will stick with me about this book is the idea of the titular gallery. This is not to say that the book, overall, isn't memorable or well-written - it's both of those things and I'll get into details shortly - but rather that the idea of a shop down in Soho where the ridiculously rich purchase the actual physical totems and statues of gods to show off their wealth... it's inspired.  Mostly because it feels like it could probably actually exist.  Ndibe does a great job of making it seem real, right down to the New York magazine article so consistently referenced and consulted by our hero - and after having several discussions over the holiday with friends regarding, how shall we put it, "conspicuous consumption" (specifically regarding American Hustle and The Wolf of Wall Street), it felt timely.  Here's this cabbie, come to the land of opportunity in the hopes of realizing his dreams, watching people drop a cool half-million on a statue of a god they don't believe in while he can barely pay his bills or his rent.  The disparity is staggering.
But, interestingly enough, the disparity doesn't just exist in the States.  The most interesting part of the novel, the middle portion, takes place back in Ike's village in Nigeria - and things have changed since he's been gone.  On the one hand, there's a sense of history repeating itself - a Christian preacher has set up shop and set the villagers against one another, including Ike's mother against his uncle (who happens to be the priest of Ngene, the warrior deity of the village) - but on the other, there are cellphones and flatscreens and increasing inequality just like you'd find anywhere else in world.
Except - and this is what's most startling, perhaps - the locals don't quite understand it in the way that anyone who's spent time in the West understands it.  A scene, played somewhat comically but also quite truthfully, where Ike explains to youngsters the realities of playing basketball and how not everyone can be Michael Jordan... it's hard to summarize the scene because there's so much addressed so succinctly, but basically he (as an American, now) is attempting to explain the way the West actually works and these kids don't believe it.  Any of it.  They don't understand how someone can not achieve the dream and Ike, having now discovered exactly how, barely knows what to say.
As much as I think this social critique and commentary is important - I don't know that I've read something that has addressed modern Africa so well since Chinua Achebe - I feel like Ndibe wanted to write two different novels here.  The socio-cultural novel that exists is a good one, strong and well-constructed, but he adds this vaguely mystical/mythic element that never quite solidifies.  Early in the novel, Ike has a weird (and potentially god-induced) blackout and there are hints, throughout the novel, that Ngene may actually be real... but in the last forty or so pages, this mystical quality gets amplified in a way that (for me) undercuts the message of the rest of the book.  The idea of these gods being 'real' (in whatever sense of the term) is a strong one and worth a novel - just imagining this Soho-based shop, full of slumbering deities, makes me think of the American Gods universe - but so too is the idea that we (both the West and just humanity in general) have screwed ourselves up so badly that all the money in the world won't be able to buy our way out of this hole.  And when Ndibe turns his eye towards the latter, this is an exceptional novel - but when he splits the difference on the fantastical stuff, it lessens the impact.

Rating: 3 out of 5.  Ultimately, this book is something less than the sum of its parts - excellent though those parts may be.  Ndibe has a sharp eye for the realities on the ground both in Nigeria and in the States - but there are two different types of story here and neither of them fully commands the tale at hand.  As a result, I found myself just sort of shrugging the book away as I finished it, despite it having started off so strong.
Drew Broussard reads, a lot. When not doing that, he's writing stories or playing music or acting or producing or coming up with other ways to make trouble.  He also has a day job at The Public Theater in New York City.

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Audio Series: Kim Triedman

Our audio series "The Authors Read. We Listen." is an incredibly special one for us. Hatched in a NYC club during BEA week, this feature requires more work of the author than any of the ones that have come before. And that makes it all the more sweeter when you see, or rather, hear them read excerpts from their own novels, in their own voices, the way their stories were meant to be heard.

Today, Kim Triedman reads an excerpt from The Other Room, which was a finalist for the 2008 James Jones First Novel Fellowship

Kim is both an award-winning poet and a novelist.  Her debut novel The Other Room was just released this past October, and Kim’s poetry has garnered numerous honors and awards.  Kim’s work has been widely published in anthologies and literary journals including Prairie Schooner, Salamander and WomenArts Quarterly.  Following the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, Kim co-organized and co-chaired a collaborative poetry reading at Harvard University to benefit Partners in Health and the people of Haiti.  The reading was featured on NPR’s Here and Now with Robin Young and led to the publication of a Poets for Haiti anthology, which Kim developed and edited.

Click the soundcloud link below to experience The Other Room as read by author Kim Triedman:

The word on The Other Room:

Three years after the sudden, mysterious death of their 1-year-old daughter Lily, Josef Coleman, a high-strung New York surgeon, and his editor wife Claudia Macinnes remain mired in anguish and grief. Their mourning has left them reaching out for different things in different ways: Josef for a primal, physical connection that Claudia can no longer bear, and Claudia for a connection of the soul that Josef has never really known how to offer. To numb his pain and attempt to fill the gaping hole of loss, Josef turns to a young surgical nurse named Kiera; Claudia, meanwhile, is drawn into what seems like an unrequited fantasy about her psychotherapist, Stuart. The time she spends in his office--this sole "other room" where she can allow herself to project into the future--becomes a rare bright spot in her weeks.
*lifted with love from goodreads

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Audio Review: 20th Century Ghosts

Listened Dec 2013 - January 2014
3 Stars - Recommended to fans of short stories that follow no real ebb or flow; Not as good as Heart Shaped Box or Horns, but some of these stories have real staying power
Audio CD
Publisher: Harper Audio

I toss and turn when it comes to short story collections. When executed right, they can be amazing. Breathtaking, even. Themed collections, or collections that contain loose, interconnecting threads have always been a favorite. I love making my way through them, experiencing the stories as they continue to grow and take on new meaning.

Other times, the stories in a collection can end up working against each other. They can be clunky and awkward, creating uncomfortable hiccups that distract, rather than attract. They can start to feel forced and wrong, or just plain jarring.

When I downloaded the 20th Century Ghosts audiobook, I just assumed all of the stories contained within it were going to be about... well, you know... ghosts. Or at least be ghost-like. I mean, the title alludes to as much, right? But if memory serves me right, since I listened to this in the car on my daily commute to and from work thus making it impossible to take notes or jot down story titles to refer back to, there was exactly one story that contained a ghost. The title story. The rest were a mish-mosh of strange, fantastical, creepy, and sometimes (don't throw things at me) boring stories that didn't seem to mesh very well together, no matter how hard they tried.

Quite a few of Hill's stories stuck with me long after I heard them - The title story about the ghost of the dead girl who haunted the theater; "Pop Art", about a kid, normal in every way except for the fact that he was born as an inflatable boy-shaped balloon; the fairy-tale-esque "My Father's Mask", about the strange family who travel to a cabin and don masks to "hide" for the weekend; and the most intriguing of all, "Voluntary Committal" the story about Morris and his cardboard tunnels system that "disappears" people.

These stories were like a beacon of light in the dark, and complimented each other very well, while the rest just simply fell flat and struggled to shine a light of their own. The Kakfa and Van Helsing's ripoffs; the kidnapped teenager in the basement who took calls from the dead; and the two straight up fiction stories "Better Than Home", about the autistic kid who's dad is a baseball coach ( which read so very much like King's "Blockade Billy") and "Bobby Conroy Comes Back From the Dead", which is basically just about a dude playing an extra in a zombie flick who runs into an old crush of his on the set.

Now, to be clear, I am not critiquing Hill's writing in any way. I am a huge fan of his work, and really fell hard for Heart Shaped Box and Horns. What I am critiquing is the fact that his editor allowed those latter stories to be included with the former to create one uneven, and somewhat disappointing, collection. So listening to it, as it was read, felt a lot like being in a hurky-jerky roller coaster, one that speeds up too fast and breaks too hard, slamming your head back and forth as the car flies along the tracks.

The creepier stories sucked the life out of the ones that were much-less-so. How do I say this? It's like... taking two sisters who are both gorgeous in their own right. When looked upon separately, they are flawless. They steal your breath away and just gazing upon them makes you swoon. But when placed next to each other, one will always outshine the other. Her hair is shinier, her teeth are straighter, her eyes are more centered, her skin is less ashen, while the other starts to become more frumpy looking, less alluring, less... hot. You get what I'm saying?

The narrator, David LeDoux, did a pretty great job reading the stories. As I find with most male narrators, he had a habit of making the women sound like flamboyantly gay men or as though they were doped up on some completely personality-numbing drug, and he himself reads a bit nasally, but overall he kept my attention - especially on the parts where he dropped his voice to a near-whisper, making me lean in towards the car speakers.

And then there's that whole matter of the strangely inserted musical breaks. You would think the music would denote the end of a story, an audible clue that the listener should mentally prepare to say goodbye to the old characters and prepare for a whole new set of them, as we loaded up the next audio file, but that wasn't the case. Harper Audio, instead, seems to have inserted musical breaks within some of the stories. Was it because those story was longer than others? And that was Harper's way of separating part one from part two? Because I don't have a paper copy, there is no way for me to verify that. Needless to say, because of that, the music was distracting and awkward and sometimes quite confusing. Some stories didn't have any, some had it more than once...

Overall, there's a part of me that wishes that 20th Century Ghosts had been my first experience with Joe Hill, because as I listened to this audiobook, I felt as though I was hearing his writing regress, when in fact, as each new novel comes out, Joe Hill is actually honing and fine tuning his storytelling.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

book review: Motherfucking Sharks

Read 12/31/13 - 1/1/14
4.5 Stars - As close to the next best book as a book can get / Strongly recommended to light bizarro fans and especially recommended to those who've never read bizarro before
Pgs: 124
Publisher: Lazy Fascist Press

Happy 2014 everyone!  Hope you rang in the new year like i did, curled up on the couch reading a great book.

I spent much of last night nose-deep in Brian Allen Carr's Motherfucking Sharks and I gotta tell you, it was a romping good time.  With a title like that... How can it NOT be?!

If I hadn't seen the Eraserhead Press 99 cent holiday Kindle sale this weekend, I might never have stumbled across it. Needless to say, when I saw this book,  I simply had to have it!

Motherfucking Sharks will have you thinking about thunderstorms differently, that's for sure. You won't be finding them all that sexy once Carr gets through with them.

His writing sucks you in and, like the shark's razor sharp teeth, digs deeply inside your flesh and leaves you gasping in panic and fear till the very end.

Do yourself a favor. If a tattooed stranger passes through town as a storm brews over the horizon,  pulling a cart full of harpoons, juggling an armful of skulls, warning you about motherfucking sharks,  don't ignore him. When it begins to rains, get ready.  And don't go pouncing through the pretty little puddles once the storm subsides.  Those Motherfucking sharks are forming inside the puddles.  And they're fucking hungry. And they'll eat you for dinner.

Those motherfucking sharks will tear you and your loved ones limb from limb and no amount of screaming or crying will save you. There is no place you can hide that they won't find you. They will keep tearing and munching and crunching through you until there is nothing left to munch and crunch through.

And then they will fade away to nothing and it will be like they never were. Except for your dead bodies, gutted and gory and strewn all over town.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Book Giveaway: A Deep and Gorgeous Thirst

Since July 2010, TNBBC has been bringing authors and readers together every month to get behind the book! This unique experience wouldn't be possible without the generous donations of the authors and publishers involved.

We're baaaack! 
And I'm really excited to to bring you this year's first
Author/Reader Discussion book!

We will be reading and discussing A Deep and Gorgeous Thirst
with author/poet Hosho McCreesh.

In order to stimulate discussion, Hosho and his publisher,
Artistically Declined Press are giving away 6 paper copies to US residents only
and 6 PDF's internationally! 

Here's the goodreads description to whet your appetite:

In the footsteps of Charles Bukowski comes Hosho McCreesh's magnum opus of drunk poetry. Mammoth in size and scope, A Deep & Gorgeous Thirst is unlike any of McCreesh's previous collections.

"A Deep & Gorgeous Thirst is for anyone who's ever had a drinking buddy—and who hasn't? A perfect elegy to the illusions and delusions of alcohol. A book to be tasted and savored.” —Mark SaFranko, author of Hating Olivia, and No Strings

This giveaway will run through January 8th. 
Winners will be announced here and via email on January 9th.

Here's how to enter:

1 - Leave a comment here or in the giveaway thread over at TNBBC on goodreads, stating why you'd like to receive a copy of the book. You MUST be a resident of the US to win a paper copy, so please state your preference and where you reside.


2 - State that you agree to participate in the group read book discussion that will run from February 16th through February 22nd. Hosho McCreesh has agreed to participate in the discussion and will be available to answer any questions you may have for him. 

 *If you are chosen as a winner, by accepting the copy you are agreeing to read the book and join the group discussion at TNBBC on Goodreads (the thread for the discussion will be emailed to you before the discussion begins). 

 3 - Your comment must have a way to contact you (email is preferred). 


Monday, December 30, 2013

Jessica McHugh's Would You Rather

Bored with the same old fashioned author interviews you see all around the blogosphere? Well, TNBBC's newest series is a fun, new, literary spin on the ole Would You Rather game. Get to know the authors we love to read in ways no other interviewer has. I've asked them to pick sides against the same 20 odd bookish scenarios. And just to spice it up a bit, each author gets to ask their own Would You Rather question to the author who appears after them....

Jessica McHugh's
Would You Rather

Would you rather write an entire book with your feet or with your tongue?
As I have somewhat prehensile feet, it would be much easier to write a book with my feet. Therefore, I choose tongue. When it comes to writing, I dig the difficulty.

Would you rather have one giant bestseller or a long string of moderate sellers?
I’d prefer a long string of moderate sellers so the paparazzo won’t hound me. I don’t look great in candid pictures.

Would you rather be a well known author now or be considered a literary genius after you’re dead?
Now, please. I don’t need to afford beer when I’m dead.

Would you rather write a book without using conjunctions or have every sentence of your book begin with one?
Considering this reply would sound ludicrous starting with a conjunction, I’ll choose writing without them.

Would you rather have every word of your favorite novel tattooed on your skin or always playing as an audio in the background for the rest of your life?
I’d have the entirety of “The Phantom Tollbooth” tattooed on me without a second thought.

Would you rather write a book you truly believe in and have no one read it or write a crappy book that comprises everything you believe in and have it become an overnight success?
If I wrote a book I didn’t believe in, I’d burn it and go back to my high-paying, benefitted, science job.

Would you rather write a plot twist you hated or write a character you hated?
Plot twist. A character I hate isn’t even worth the ink to pen a good death—only a violent delete.

Would you rather use your skin as paper or your blood as ink?
Either way, I’d run out of raw materials pretty fast, but at least I’d still be alive after using my skin as paper.

Would you rather become a character in your novel or have your characters escape the page and reenact the novel in real life?
Yipes, that depends on the novel. Honestly, I don’t think I’d like to be any of my characters because most of them are put through wringers I wouldn’t want to squish me.

Would you rather write without using punctuation and capitalization or without using words that contained the letter E?
I could live without capitalization, but I’d go mad without punctuation, so I think I’d rather sacrifice E-lettered words.

Would you rather have schools teach your book or ban your book?
Ban it. It’ll sell more copies.

Would you rather be forced to listen to Ayn Rand bloviate for an hour or be hit on by an angry Dylan Thomas?
As soon as I saw “Ayn Rand,” I knew I wouldn’t choose that option. Give me your best shot, Dylan.

Would you rather be reduced to speaking only in haiku or be capable of only writing in haiku?
Speaking in haiku. Maybe it would help me shut up more often.

Would you rather be stuck on an island with only the 50 Shades Series or a series in a language you couldn’t read?
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’d probably choose Fifty Shades, just for comic value.

Would you rather critics rip your book apart publicly or never talk about it at all?
Rip my book apart. Be my guest. There’s no such thing as bad press.

Would you rather have everything you think automatically appear on your Twitter feed or have a voice in your head narrate your every move?
Voice in my head.

Would you rather give up your computer or pens and paper?
I’d give up my computer in a second over pens/paper. It would cut out 8000 internet distractions.

Would you rather write an entire novel standing on your tippy-toes or laying down flat on your back?
Laying down. I recently hurt my back and had to do just that. Astronaut pens make it a piece of pineapple upside-down cake.

Would you rather read naked in front of a packed room or have no one show up to your reading?
Am I standing behind a podium? In that case, I’m fine being naked. Otherwise…eh, I’d still choose naked.

Would you rather read a book that is written poorly but has an excellent story, or read one with weak content but is written well? 

Excellent story, written poorly. In the other case, I’d just watch a plotless action movie.

And here is Jessica's response to the question Pete Anderson asked her last week:

Would you rather be Holden Caulfield or Scout Finch? 
I think I'd rather be Scout Finch, just because I'd be happier as a scrappy kid than a grumpy teenager.

Jessica helps us wrap up the Would You Rather series!
It's been great fun and I want to thank all of the authors who participated!!!


Jessica McHugh is an author of speculative fiction spanning the genre from horror and alternate history to young adult. A member of the Horror Writers Association and a 2013 Pulp Ark nominee, she has devoted herself to novels, short stories, poetry, and playwriting. Jessica has had thirteen books published in five years, including her bestseller, "Rabbits in the Garden,"  and the gritty coming-of-age thriller, "PINS." 2014 will see the release of three more novels, including the start to her edgy YA series "The Darla Decker Diaries." More info on her speculations and publications can be found at

Friday, December 27, 2013

Book Review: Submergence

Read 12/24/13 - 12/27/13
3 Stars - Recommended to those who are already fans of hostage-slash-love-slash-deep-thoughts-about oceanic-life-and-god-and-angels-and-hell-and-death novels told through the past and present experiences of both main characters
Pgs: 212
Publisher: Coffee House Press

I haven't written an actual, real length review since September, so go figure that I find myself itching to write one on a book that everyone else raves about but that has left me feeling incredibly underwhelmed.

Submergence, to be fair, isn't the type of book I would normally be drawn to on my own. The jacket copy alone was enough to keep it sitting in my unsolicited arc pile for countless months: James, an Englishman, is held hostage by a bunch of jihad fighters in Africa; a thousand miles away Danielle, a French bio-mathematician, prepares to dive down into the great oceanic depths in a submersible; the two recall their chance encounter and short lived fling as they prepare for what's to come.

This week, I found myself with some free reading time - two months ahead in my CCLaP reading, three months ahead in the upcoming TNBBC author/reader line-up - so I threw my goodreads To-Read shelf  out into the ether and asked Twitter to hand pick my next read. Submergence won by a landslide.

It sucked me in quickly enough. The first 40 pages or so passed by pretty smoothly. The next 40, the same. Around the 100 page mark, though, I began to realize that I hadn't yet felt any sort of connection to the main characters or their current ordeals, which had a numbing effect on the constant recollection of their short romance together the year prior. Halfway into the book, and I'm feeling emotionally removed, even cold, towards our protagonists? This does not bode well, right?...

Sprinkled pretty generously throughout the novel, perhaps to break up the monotony of James' suffering at the hands of the jihads in Africa, and Danny's preparations for her upcoming deep sea journey,  JM Ledgard allows them time to discuss some pretty heavy topics in a "getting to know more about you" sort of way. They toy with how exploring the vast, deep, darkness of the ocean floor is comparable - and even more complicated - than exploring the wide openness of outer space; whether or not they believe in God and whether God had the foresight to create enough angels to look over us all; how if falling down into the ocean is like falling down into hell then climbing up out of the depths is like climbing up towards the heavens; how the smallest, slightest microbes in the darkest corners of the ocean are capable of out-surviving humanity so long as we just leave them alone; how evolution is a friend and an enemy to most species, including our own...

While these ideas, in and of themselves, are quite intriguing, I felt that James and Danny didn't take them as far as they could have. Their conversations left me sloshing about in half-formed concepts and aching for more "meat and muscle". This speaks to how I feel Ledgard handled his character development overall. I can't help but imagine James and Danny as half-formed, too. They're all shell and skin with very little heart. Like cardboard cut-outs. Only.. fleshier? I know how awful that must sound. It could just be Ledgard's writing style; it reminded me very much of JM Cotzee and JG Ballard (oh my, could it have something to do with first name initials?!) They all take this very clinical, very dry, outside-observationist approach to story telling. As if watching events unfold behind a glass window. As if everything had the emotion purposely blown out of it, leaving it all.. hollow.

In the end, though it was a fairly quick read, Submergence left me floating along, anticipating a great big crushing wave that just never came.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

A TNBBC Twist on "Top 2013" Lists

For two years running, I've added my little spin on "Year End Best Of" lists. Rather than list my own favorite reads each year, I reached out to a bunch of authors - all of whom have appeared here on TNBBC in some way, shape, or form -  asking them to share with us their favorite reads. I thought it would be really cool to throw it out there again and see what they've been reading and enjoying this year....

The response was amazing and I am really exited to share them with you today. And without further ado...

The TNBBC Author Series: Top Reads of 2013

Ryan W Bradley

Best Fiction:

Orphans by Ben Tanzer

A true surprise. Tanzer somehow manages to be very sci-fi and very Tanzer at the same time. The result is unlike anything you've ever read in the science fiction genre or among Tanzer's catalog.

Best Poetry:

Life Cycle by Dena Rash Guzman

Every poem in this book is worth re-reading again and again. You know a writer's special when you finish reading their work and your first thought is "I want more."

Best "How Had I Not Read This Yet":

Plainsong by Kent Haruf

This book is so in my wheelhouse, how did I ever miss it? An editor I'm working with on my Alaska-themed story collection recommended it to me and I was instantly in love with the writing.

Ryan W. Bradley is the author of four chapbooks, a story collection, a novel, and two poetry collections, as well as a collaborative poetry collection written with David Tomaloff. His novella, WINTERSWIM will be released in December 2014. He has a shiny new website:


Mark R Brand

1) George Saunders’ Tenth of December (2013)

If I had to pick a favorite, and I don’t like to, but if I had to, this would be it for me for the year. Not only does every story in this collection swing for the fences, but it had my favorite short story of the year (“The Semplica Girl Diaries”) in it, as well. I got to interview Saunders last winter, and he’s just as charming, witty, unpretentious, and brilliant as his fiction. If you only read one thing this year, read Tenth of December.

2) James M. Cain’s Mildred Pierce (1941)

Despite its dull premise, Cain (who also wrote Double Indemnity and The Postman Always Rings Twice) managed here to write one of the most sharply mimetic female protagonists I’ve ever seen. Mildred, the down-to-earth and likable lead, is saddled with an exceptionally gifted daughter named Veda, with whom she has a turbulent relationship. Set in the tail end of the Great Depression, when economic hard times dragged into the better part of an entire decade (sound familiar?), I found this, and the novel’s eponymous main character, impossible not to like.

3) Ernest Cline’s Ready Player One (2011)

I was certain—absolutely certain—that this book was going to suck. After all: I AM a gamer dork from the late 1980’s, and I didn’t think any dopey parody of it was going to be able to tell me anything about those years and growing up at that time that I didn’t already know. I was so wonderfully, hilariously wrong. This book (and I read the audiobook version, narrated by Wil Wheaton of all people), had me laughing and smiling and giving myself unselfconscious air high-fives from almost page one. It also has a remarkably poignant dystopian message about net neutrality and the commodification of leisure. Highly, highly recommended for anyone who grew up in the 80’s. This book is like a little energon cube of fun.

Mark R. Brand is the author of the novels Red Ivy Afternoon (2006), Life After Sleep (2011), The Damnation of Memory (2011), and the collection Long Live Us. He is a two-time Independent Publisher Book Award winner and is the creator and host of the video podcast series Breakfast With the Author (available on iTunes). He teaches English at Wilbur Wright College, and is currently
completing his PhD at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.


Giano Cromley

Tomorrowland by Joseph Bates
Curbside Splendor Publishing

The stories in Tomorrowlandare surprising and inventive, shot through with humor and wit, but never at the expense of its characters. As the title would suggest, the stories frequently take place in the near or distant future, but the irony is that Tomorrowland is all about the past. In "Mirrorverse" a husband uses a Multiverse Spectrometer to relive his failed marriage. In the title story, a man surveys the soon-to-be-demolished remains of a futuristic theme park, only to be haunted by the mannequin family that resides there. And in "Boardwalk Elvis" an Elvis impersonator has the worst professional day of his career as he suffers for his art. The characters in Tomorrowland seem to be trapped in the past, wondering how the future they'd once imagined ended up looking like this.

The Fiery Alphabetby Diane Lefer
Loose Leaves Publishing

The Fiery Alphabettells the story of Daniela Messo, raised by her father to be a mathematical prodigy in eighteenth-century Rome. Repudiated by a fearful church hierarchy, Daniela eventually takes up with a mysterious mystic, Giuseppe Balsamo, and the pair barnstorm eastward across Europe, in search of a higher truth. Told in an epistolary fashion, I had no idea what to expect when I cracked this book and I found myself continually surprised and delighted by Daniela's adventures, right up to the last page.

Orphans by Ben Tanzer
Switchgrass Books

Author Ben Tanzer brings his unique voice to the science fiction genre and the results are great. Orphansfollows the story of young father Norrin Radd, as he tries to support his family in a future where jobs and money are nearly impossible to come by if you weren't born into the right family. The future in Orphans is dark, so don't be fooled when I tell you this novel is also really funny. Ultimately, though, we see the cost exacted when people are put in positions where they'll do whatever it takes to make a better life for their families.

Giano Cromley's first novel, The Last Good Halloween, was released this fall. His writing has appeared in The Threepenny Review, Literal Latte, and The Bygone Bureau, among others. He is a recipient of an Artists Fellowship from the Illinois Arts Council. He teaches English at Kennedy-King College and lives on Chicago's South Side with his wife and two dogs.


Tod Davies

Since I'm elbow deep in the writing of Jam Today Too: The Revolution Will Not Be Catered, the second in the Jam Today cookbook/memoir series, needless to say, I spend my evenings noodling over other people's food writings. Which I love. And the three that I seemed to love the most this year are, unusually for me, two that came out in the last few months, and, not unusual for me, one classic that's hard to find unless you haunt thrift stores (I do).

First: A Bushel's Worth: An Ecobiography, by Kayann Short (Torrey House Press). 

Man, I love those cookbook/farming memoirs. And Kayann, who is descended from farm families, writes lovingly and practically about her own life on a farm, hard at work and play with her partner John, just north of Boulder, Colorado. This book actually brought tears to my eyes with its descriptions of their travails and triumphs. And you need to read about the transport of an entire farm building from property being turned, inevitably, into tract Kayann's farm that is defending against its own disappearance into the same black hole. Funny, practical, and ultimately moving.

Second: A Commonplace Book of Pie, by Kate Lebo (Chin Music Press). 

Utterly charming. A postmodern book about pie by a poet who makes a mean crust. The cheerfully mad descriptions and the excellent recipes/tips make this the world's great gift book. The illustrations are terrific too.

Third: The Cooking of Vienna's Empire: Foods of the World, by Joseph Wechsberg (Time-Life Books).

 Back in the late 1960s, Time-Life published about a gazillion volumes of a series about foods of the world, and enlisted just about every great food writer of the period to help (M.F.K. Fisher! James Beard! Craig Claiborne!). But the best of the lot (and that's saying a bundle) is this one, by Joseph Wechsberg, who wrote the classic Blue Trout and Black Truffles. Absolutely amazing photography, evocative and classic, but that's just the icing on the cake of Wechsberg's precise and loving prose. I found this in a thrift store for 50 cents, which as you know, for a thrift store addict is ecstasy. What a find!

Tod Davies, editorial director of indie Exterminating Angel Press, is also the author of Snotty Saves the Day and Lily the Silent, both from The History of Arcadia series, and the cooking memoirs Jam Today: A Diary of Cooking With What You've Got and Jam Today Too: The Revolution Will Not Be Catered (June 2014). Unsurprisingly, her attitude toward publishing is the same as her attitude toward literature, cooking, and, come to think of it, life in general: it's all about working with the best of what you have to find new ways of looking and new ways of being. Find her and EAP at


Heather Fowler

Satantangoby László Krasznahorkai
translated by George Szirtes
New Directions Press, 2012

This translation from Hungarian of Krasznahorkai’s work was recommended to me by a colleague as a peerless psychological novel. In many ways, it is exquisite, bringing to life a dark tale with apocalyptic intent via a long-form work that reads at once like a fable and a stylistically Eurocentric classic.  It’s a gorgeous effort in understanding human motivations—one that explores human pride, eccentricities, and desire via a surreal filter.  Transcendent. Another excellent New Directions release. 

TheDoor by Margaret Atwood
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt,  2007

After engaging with hundreds of pages of Atwood’s poetry this year, I ordered this, her most recent release, and was struck by the beauty of her concision, her ability to construct visual landscapes replete with their emotional savagery—year after year.  While Atwood is most frequently discussed as a fiction writer, it is her poetry I love with a burning love, feeling her poetics influence all her genres—and this book shows a masterful use of white space and imagery.  Any book that causes me to shed actual tears has a great chance at landing at my top of the year selections.  This did.  In addition, it includes a CD of the author reading the poems.  This feels like a private, unexpected and intimate treasure.

Small Beer Press, 2012

As a short story fanatic, one who enjoys magical realism, literary traditional, feminist, and experimental work—this collection blew me away.  Each piece is informed by its language, performs its own sacred act upon the reader.  I reviewed this book in ABR regarding its use of eroticism, but this book does far more.  Seldom do I read a collection with such an array of generative impulses and narrative styles—and the wildly creative originality of Johnson’s voice and style, as well as the beatifically executed text, made this a clear favorite in 2013.  

Heather Fowler is the author of Suspended Heart, People with Holes, and This Time, While We’re Awake.  Her new book Elegantly Naked in My Sexy Mental Illness, an illustrated collaborative collection with visual artist Pablo Vision releases from Queens Ferry Press in 2014.  Please visit her website at


Kim Henderson

The Oxford Book of Japanese Short Stories, ed. Theodore W. Goossen.  

This semester, I chose stories from this collection to teach in my fiction workshop.  My goal was to discover new work, rather than automatically selecting what I knew well.  I sat down to see what the anthology had to offer, fighting my urge to start with the Murakami story I knew would be great.   Hours later, I still had not emerged from the book.  I blinked at the now dark room turned unfamiliar by the stories that had just jarred me out of any reading rut. I haven't had quite that experience since I read my first fiction anthology as an undergraduate.  There is such a range of stories in this book.  "Toddler-Hunting" by Kono Taeko will leave you feeling a bit scarred, a bit sick, a bit mesmerized; "The Peony Garden" by Nagai Kafu feels like Hemingway's "Hills Like White Elephants" (but maybe better?), like a mountain of a story lies beneath what we are shown; many of the stories feel like novels in their breadth and scope.  But I think what stunned me into getting lost in this book is that many of the endings are messy and unresolved, that these stories mimic life all too uncomfortably--there is no urge to tidy up here.  This anthology showed me something new, or something I'd forgotten about.

Big World, Mary Miller.  

I had read Mary Miller's chapbook of short-short stories, Paper and Tassels, in the Rose Metal Press anthology They Could No Longer Contain Themselves, but did not retain the author's name.  Then at The Letters Festival in Atlanta this November, I heard her read from her upcoming novel about an evangelical family hoping to chase the apocalypse across the U.S.  Afterward, I bought a copy of Big World.  

You could get into a fight with your significant other, check into a cheap motel, and sit down with a fifth of whiskey, a pack of cigarettes, the movie Blue Valentine, and a copy of Big World, and have the best of bleak evenings, replete with relationships that have overstayed their welcome, beautiful yet self-destructive and indifferent girls and women, lots of bad decisions, and a general lack of satisfaction from characters who aren't willing or able to muster up whatever it takes to try to change.  Miller knows exactly what to put on the page and what to leave off.  What she chooses not to include keeps you thinking about these characters who are all too quick with a harsh, wry remark, who learned long ago to guard their deepest truths.

I may not have come across this book had my old professor (Daniel Mueller) not gotten in touch with me recently.  I am so glad he did, and that I got a copy of his new book.  This collection of stories is wonderfully daring, direct, brutal, and beautifully written.  Mueller's sentences alone are admirable enough, but these characters and the unflinching honesty with which they are written take the collection to the next level. Also, the endings often push the stories into unexpected places--characters are turned inside out during the beginning and middle of the story, but at the end, a scalpel is taken to their hearts as Mueller reveals the complicated, unnamable intricacies that drive them.  Some of these stories could easily find themselves in The Best American Short Stories anthology, and they deserve that wide a readership.

Kim Henderson is the author of The Kind of Girl, which won the Seventh Annual Rose Metal Press Short Short Chapbook Contest.  Her stories have appeared in Tin House, H_NGM_N, Cutbank, River Styx, Chamber Four, The Southeast Review, New South, and elsewhere. She lives with her husband on a mountain in Southern California, where she chairs the Creative Writing program at Idyllwild Arts Academy.


David David Katzman

The Man Without Qualities is a Modernist masterpiece. An expansive book of ideas yet an intimate view into Austrian society, circa 1913. The writing (in translation from German) is erudite and sophisticated. The view into the psychology of the numerous characters is rich and insightful. The overall critique of both Austrian and human civilization is profound and sharp. 

The Last Novel is a quick, easy, charming, sad, profound, surprising, humorous, angry, erudite, critical, clever, bitter, energetic, thought-provoking, challenging, heavy, light, experimental non-novel. An impossible to categorize work, The Last Novel is such a fast read that you've no excuse for not giving it a try. 

What a wonderful book. Part essay, part travelogue with a smattering of fiction, it's an indescribable blend of humor, sadness, quirk and love.

David David Katzman has published two novels, Death by Zamboni, an absurdist satire, and A Greater Monster, a multimedia psychedelic fairytale, which won a gold medal as “Outstanding Book of the Year” in the 2012 Independent Publisher Book Awards and was a Finalist in the Fantasy genre of the 2012 Indie Excellence Awards. In 2013, the Chicago Center for Literature and Photography published an illustrated collection of his letters entitled The Kickstarter Letters. He has performed as an actor and improviser throughout Chicago and has been interviewed by numerous bloggers.


Kathe Koja

My three books this year are variations on a theme:

THE RECKONING, Charles Nicholl
DOCTOR FAUSTUS, Christopher Marlowe

Research can be a lot of things: a compunctious duty, a heavy slog - or a dance. 2013 is my year of Dancing with Marlowe, most definitely a dance in the dark, as I collaborated with an actor (Steve Xander Carson) and a writer (Carter Scholz) on, first, an immersive performance of Marlowe's evil-haunted FAUSTUS, and (in progress) a fictional examination of Marlowe as poet and spy.

These tangoes were masterfully enabled by the steely work of Charles Nicholl, who investigates, then obliterates, the received wisdom on the death of Marlowe (stabbed in a sordid brawl in a crappy tavern? Not so much); and the panoramic, emotionally perspicacious A.L. Rowse's view of Marlowe in the context of his world and his work.

And the man himself, in glitter of his wit and the chill of his vision, threw open the doors to Hell itself, with doomed and clever John Faustus its victim and our guide. Never has poetry been so delicious, so ferocious, never has the darkness been so - well, say it - fun. Watch your step, let's go!  

Kathe Koja's novels include THE MERCURY WALTZ (forthcoming January 2014), UNDER THE POPPY, THE CIPHER, SKIN, BUDDHA BOY, and HEADLONG. Her work has been optioned for film and adapted for performance. Her company Loudermilk Productions creates site-specific, immersive events. (and FB and Twitter).


Lavinia Ludlow

In fast-paced flash fiction, location often takes the backburner; however, when Burrow Press recently released 15 Views Volume II: Corridor, location took center stage. In 15 Views, thirty writers deconstruct the stereotypes associated with two of Florida’s most misrepresented cities, Orlando and Tampa, by presenting honest, intimate, and fleeting glimpses of the local human condition. These stories are not postcard snapshots of resort beachfronts or Epcot Center, but drama-laden accounts of shattered dreams, inescapable poverty, and atrocious violence. Full review here

Lavinia Ludlow is a musician and writer currently residing on the West Coast. Her debut novel alt.punk can be purchased through major online retailers as well as Casperian Books’ website. Recently, her sophomore novel Single Stroke Seven was signed to Casperian Books as well. Follow her reviews, news, and other tidbits over at:


Courtney Elizabeth Mauk

My favorite book of 2013. Luna creates her characters with such empathy, and they had me completely hooked. Plus, the premise is right up my alley: squatters in the Lower East Side in the mid-1990s, doing battle with the city. I moved to NYC less than a decade later and yet so much had changed. The New York in this book is both foreign and familiar, and I fell deep inside. I didn’t want to leave, not for one second.

When the bodies of four young women were found along a stretch of Long Island beach in 2010, the emphasis in the media was on whether or not a serial killer was on the loose. The victims themselves, all four involved in online prostitution, became footnotes. In this book, Kokler gives the women names; he traces the trajectory of their lives; he wonders about the circumstances of their deaths; and he makes us care for them deeply. 

The Palace of Wasted Footsteps by Cary Holladay

Holladay is a writer who should be more widely read—her stories are odd and dark and funny and not quite like anything else. I first read her O. Henry-winning story “Merry-Go-Sorry” in college, and it has stuck with me—haunted isn’t too hyperbolic a word. I don’t know why I didn’t get my hands on this collection sooner.

Courtney Elizabeth Mauk's second novel, Orion's Daughters, will be published by Engine Books in May. Her work has appeared in The Literary Review, PANK, Wigleaf, and Five Chapters, among other venues. She is author of the novel Spark (Engine Books, 2012) and teaches at the Sackett Street Writers' Workshop and Juilliard. More information can be found at


Kathleen Rooney

At the Autopsy of Vaslav Nijinksyby Bridget Lowe (Carnegie Mellon UniversityPress, 2013)

This book of poems is a total page-turner, and one of the ways that Lowe makes you want to turn the pages is by interweaving several series throughout the book, including ones on the actress Sean Young, on Victor: the Wild Boy of Aveyron, and, of course, on the Russian dancer Nijinsky. Learned without being pretentious, witty without being cheaply clever, she’s a master of the leitmotif and these seemingly disparate pieces end up cohering into a beautifully unified whole.

Black Apertureby Matt Rasmussen (Louisiana State UniversityPress, 2013)

Over here the Poetry Foundation web site, I have 2,178 words about what a brilliant book this is (and you don’t have to take my word for it; it was up for the National Book Award). But in a sentence: this collection, a decade in the making, is about its author’s brother’s suicide—“A hole is nothing / but what remains around it”—a subject he handles with anger, sorrow, and perhaps most effectively humor.

Citizen Jby Daniela Olszewska (Artifice Books, 2013)

A book of poems in five sections that mixes lineated pieces with prose ones, this collection follows its protagonist who “refuses to keep things / classy” as she traipses through a landscape that seems part Soviet and part American. Intoxicating in its wordplay—sometimes “j” is “babushkaed” and other times she “feels the gore ball bouncing up against her sternum in time to the special broadcasts”—the book looks at what it means and how it feels to be a citizen in a time beset by lowgrade terror and highgrade absurdity. 

Kathleen Rooney is a founding editor of Rose Metal Press and a founding member of Poems While You Wait . She is the author of six books of poetry and nonfiction, including Robinson Alone (Gold Wake Press, 2012) and the critical study Reading with Oprah: The Book Club That Changed America. Her debut novel, O, Democracy!, is forthcoming from Fifth Star Press in Spring 2014. 


Caleb J Ross

#1: The Cost of Living by Rob Roberge
I’ve been a fan of Rob Roberge since 2006 when my college professor, Amy Sage Webb, gifted a signed copy of More than They Could Chew. I was immediately hooked. Reading The Cost of Living, published about 7 years after my initial introduction to the man’s work, was such an exciting experience. I hadn’t been that entranced by a book since 2012’s #1 choice, The Orphan Masters Son by Adam Johnson. And I don’t just mean an intellectually satisfying experience. I mean physically.

#2: S. by J.J. Abrams and Doug Dorst
Like most people, I came to S. by way of a quick and easy seduction. In terms of eye candy, S. is a book like none other. In fact, I made an initial reactions video about the bookafter having read only 60 pages, not necessarily because I was confident that the book would ultimately satisfy, but because the book’s unique visual storytelling component--margin notes, multiple readers, postcards and photos and other such trinkets actually stuffed within the pages--warranted a few minutes of geeking out.

Truthfully, the book ultimately didn’t deliver on its storytelling promise quite like I had hoped it would. But no matter. S. is such a unique execution, and as I mention during my full-length S. review video, still has some substantial storytelling merit meaning it deserves to be on this list.

#3: Gulp by Mary Roach
I learned from this book that fecal transplants exist. Yes, a fecal transplant is exactly what it sounds like. Also, that Budweiser, according to Sue Langstaff, a sensory consultant to the brewing industry for twenty-plus years, is “an extremely well-made beer. It’s clean, it’s refreshing.” Though I won’t bring up the idea that beer drinkers don’t necessarily want “clean” and “refreshing,” I was taken aback perhaps simply by the defense of Budweiser. I just never hear that.

Caleb J. Ross has a BA in English Literature and creative writing from Emporia State University. His fiction and nonfiction has appeared widely, both online and in print. He is the author of five books of fiction and is the creator of The Burning Books Channel, a YouTube channel featuring humorous book reviews, literary skits, writing advice, and rants. Visit his official page at


Matt Rowan

By George Saunders 

Of Tenth of December, Mary Karr recently noted: "The title story may be the best American story since Hemingway's 'The Snows of Kilimanjaro' or O'Connor's 'A Good Man Is Hard to Find.'" 
I wholeheartedly agree. Tenth of December is a truly remarkable read. 
But before I get to my gushing, I should make clear It's a short story collection (as are all of my top three favorites of the year). Its characters inhabit the strange worlds of Saundersian syntax and aberrant (but still within reach) settings, characters who are often flawed but redeemable. Characters whose tales often reach a pivotal point of choice, and the redemption or calamity that ensues based on these choices (The first story, "Victory Lap," manages to encompass the choices of three characters simultaneously). 

I've joked that most of these stories were originally published a good several years (and in one case, as far back as 1996) in various magazines before they were brought together in this collection. Yet if there's anything to be said for collage, I think this book should stand a testament to that. The themes of each story play off each other well, combining elements that are cheerful and comic while often presenting something dark and unsettling at the very same time. I was disappointed Tenth of December didn't ultimately get selected winner of the National Book Award, but it's impressive that a short story writer (and almost exclusively a short story writer) found his book among the finalists at all, so I'm glad for that. It might usher in a new era, in which collections are given their due alongside the more highly regarded novel. 

By Lindsay Hunter

Lindsay Hunter is another author who understands the value of voice in her fiction. I like character. I like the idea of people telling me things that are inherently biased, and therefore truthful. You don't imagine most of Hunter's characters are giving you the entirety of the situation, whatever it is. It's nice to think that they aren't worlds unto themselves and there are things outside of their understanding, which is tacitly understood. In Don't Kiss Me there are countless examples of characters with their litany of flaws, sometimes falling into the camp of the depraved. There's a woman who has a relationship with a child of 10 in "My Boyfriend Del" -- and in which Hunter really walks the fine line between a believable situation and one that's utterly outlandish and absurd (it's balanced very well).  There's a family of mutants living in a post-apocalyptic world in "After."  There's a very Lindsay Hunter take on pulp detective fiction in "Our Man." And there's so much more to keep your attention, so much intensity to each piece featured. Most of the stories are very short, but one of Lindsay Hunter's great gifts is she can say so much with so few lines.

Rob Walsh

This book truly feels like it came from another place in time, maybe another planet, but also another place in time. Like belonging to a strange Gothic era of another race elsewhere in the galaxy, say for example. The story "The Seven Seas" -- allusions in it to the collection's title -- is a tremendous, delirious take on the pirate and a pirate's life. Walsh's work is absurd in the tradition, I believe, of writers like Beckett and Walser, with a bit of the fabulism of the Brothers Grimm for good measure. He takes you to dark places, places in which people's motivations are more obviously self-serving, if there's sense in them at all to be found. It's a really good example of the kind of work you see coming from smaller presses, work that might not make the cut at a larger publishing house but through no fault of its own quality. 

Matt Rowan is author of Why God Why. He lives in Chicago. See more of him at


Matt Salesses

I'm cheating a little here. I've got one book that came out this year, one that will come out in January, and one that came out a while ago, but it's sequel came out this year (so I'm fudging by including both!).

Laura van den Berg's Isle of Youth is the best story collection of the year, no offense to George Saunders. Maybe you read and loved her last collection? There's even more to love here.

Mary Miller's novel, The Last Days of California, is my most recent read here. The book comes out in January. Mary Miller has maybe the most sure voice I know of, like she knows exactly who she is on the page.

Maile Meloy's books for children were the most fun I had this year, especially her first, The Apothecary. The sequel, The Apprentices, is also great, but I miss the voice of the first. Meloy has some amazing books for adults, too. But these changed the course of my reading this summer and sent me on a binge of children's/young adults' books that convinced me YA has it figured out.

Matthew Salesses is the author of I'm Not Saying I'm Just Saying. Find him at @salesses.


Andrew F Sullivan

Don’t Kiss Me by Lindsay Hunter

“See, we had seen Dee, we’d seen her a lot, but back then we had our eyes on all the girls, and over time it got to be hard to see how losing one was such a tragedy.”

I read this while driving back to Canada from South Carolina this summer. Driving through America is like travelling through the phases of an empire, the rings around the cities giving away to decay and abandonment as you travel from one metropolis to another. Hunter’s stories seem to inhabit these desiccated circles, her characters’ voices chipped and scuffed by time and smoke and hurt. They live. There’s spittle stuck to the pages and blood underlining certain words. Not all of it is mine. Every story in here is another accident waiting to happen.

Crapalachia by Scott McClanahan

“We pass the torch of life for one another like runners in the night. I WILL forever be reaching for you. PLEASE keep reaching for me. Please.”

Authentic is a bullshit word used to sell yogurt and the garbage I found in my attic on Etsy. It’s a word that gets thrown out a lot with this book, but I don’t think McClanahan is making any claims about the “authentic” nature of his experiences. Human might be a better word, but that still carries the scent of bullshit on its wings. Terrifyingly, cripplingly human—I will use those adverbs to describe this book. The horror. It reminded me a lot of Harry Crews’ A Childhood, so McClanahan is doing something right. This is probably the book I will give to people who won’t realize they truly needed it until they are finished.

The Alligators of Abraham by Robert Kloss

“And so many sons dead, and buildings burned and cities cindered. And these fields where bodies lay mounded for the hogs to root. And the blood-stained lockets of lovers clasped in cold hands. Entire towns were diminished. And no longer did anyone care, on either side to fight any further. Yet the war continued—“

A fever dream of America, a great suffering rendered into vicious, stunning prose. Technically it came out last November, but I didn’t get around to it until the spring. I annoyed a lot of people over the last few months talking about this book. This is one of my favourite books of the year because I want more Robert Kloss, more seas of buffalo, more abandoned expeditions, more gators rising to devour children in the middle of the night. I am selfish like that. This is a book I will return to again and again because the stories are still open wounds, unstaunched.

RIP Mud Luscious Press.

Andrew F. Sullivan is the author of All We Want is Everything (ARP Books, 2013), one of The Globe and Mail's Best Books of 2013. You can find him at 


Ben Tanzer

We the Animals by Justin Torres

Near feral in its intense bursts of family instability.

Raymond Carver Will Not Raise Our Children by Dave Newman

Newman knows true.

The Temple of Air by Patricia Ann McNair

What it means to live, and mostly cope, with things missing in our lives, hands, parents, children, breasts, love, that are at times violently taken from us, and other times more subtly so.

Ben Tanzer is the author of the books My Father's House and You Can Make Him Like You, as well as, the forthcoming Orphans and Lost in Space, among others. Ben also oversees Publicity and Content Strategy at Curbside Splendor and day to day operations of This Zine Will Change Your Life. He can be found online at This Blog Will Change Your Life the center of his growing lifestyle empire.


Holy end of the year lists, huh?! Thanks again to each and every author who submitted their favorite reads, and I hope they haven't crushed your TBR piles too badly. Oh screw it, yes, yes I hope they did! I hope their lists made you rush out of the house in your new slippers and christmas pj's in a mad attempt to get them all.....

I look forward to watching what these authors are reading (and writing) in 2014! Happy holidays, everyone!