Pgs: 125
It's Not PMS, It's You! is a very quick and humorous read detailing the numerous differences between men and women, why we react the way we do, and how it doesn't always tie in to the fact that we are "on the rag" or "getting our period".
Ladies, if you are anything like me, I know you hate it when men address our every thought or feeling as an irrational effect of "our time of the month". We know that women are naturally emotional beings, seeking other emotional beings in which to confide, vent, and otherwise express our frustrations and joys to. We are not always looking for a solution and are happy to just have some well deserved sympathy!
Men, on the other hand, tend to take the Emotion Expressway in an effort to bypass all the sappy confusion and get straight to the heart of the issue. Emotions be damned, we are going to FIX this thing and move on to more important things - like sports, beer, and sex!
Deb Amlen, in an endearing 'I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar' sort of way, informs her readers to shuck off the money making schemes of relationship self-help books, 1000 ways to get flat abs DVD's, and other society and gender related BS, and realize that there is nothing wrong with US - WE don't have to change a thing! Hold those grudges, eat that chocolate, be the bitch that you must be to get through to your man!!
Ok, I may be taking things a little further than Deb did - haha! She fills her book with cute antidotes, Facebook-like snippets, jokes, and a hilarious peek into a new relationship between two people who just met and totally misunderstand one anothers intentions and feelings.
Covering topics like "Selective Deafness", "Fragile Male Ego (One Upping each other)", and "The F- Word (no, not THAT F-word!)" you are bound to find something you can relate to!
Now To The Contest!!!
And now that I have shared MY two cents on It's Not PMS, It's You! , I want to give YOU an opportunity to share your thoughts!
There are 5 copies up for grabs. How do you manage to land one of these books? The rules are as follows:
1. Contest is open to USA and Canada only (sorry, not my rules!)
2. To enter the contest, compose a short post detailing the craziest thing a romantic partner has ever said to you and leave it as a comment here, or over at TNBBC on goodreads. Entries will be accepted at both sites.
3. You must attach your email address to your entry if you are posting it here on the blog, so that we can contact you if you win. If you have a goodreads account, and post over at TNBBC, we will contact you via PM.
4. Deb Amlen will determine the 5 winners based on the best "craziest things".
5. Contest will close at Midnight on Saturday July 17th. Winners will be announced Sunday July 18th.
While this is a contest, we do hope that the comments you post for your entries spark some men vs women discussions, so feel free to comment on each others posts!!
We will also be tweeting about the contest and the book using the #amlenpms hashtag over on Twitter, so join us there.
Let the crazy comments begin!!!
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