Somehow, I can never seem to make it through the holidays without getting sick.
When I was younger, I remember quite a few trips from my dad's house to my mom's with a bucket and plastic bag between my legs in the front seat of the car, throwing up on Easter break. I recall spending an entire thanksgiving day wrapped up in a comforter on my couch watching reruns of X Files on the Sci-Fi channel feeling nauseous and feverish while the hubby and kids enjoyed their turkey dinner at the in-laws.
This year, it appears I have a caught a nasty little cold that is nestling in my throat. Painful to swallow, ears so itchy I want to scream, body just achey and blah.
Thank goodness for three days off and good books to lose myself in. The plan is to take scolding hot baths, drink lots of hot tea, curl up on the couch with my current read, and do as little as possible.
How are you spending the days leading up to Thanksgiving???
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