In typical TNBBC fashion, I kept telling myself that I had time... time to plan how I wanted to travel, time to plan which events to attend, time to plan meet-ups... and now, I feel like I'm looking down the barrel of BEA. It's rush, rush, rush to organize as much as I possibly can while still leaving myself time to work, read, and relax.
I just typed up an Excel sheet outlining all of the BEA events I want to attend. Last year, I skipped out on all of them except the BBC Reception. (1) I had only really just gotten started with the whole "serious blogger" thing and my contacts were still a bit loose and wobbly. (2) I had a two hour drive back and forth each day and was afraid to stay too late (where drinks were involved).
This year, I am hoping to crash as many parties as my schedule will allow me! Whether I am driving in on my own again, or taking the commuter bus each day (more to come on that tomorrow!), I refuse to miss out on all of the fun this time!
Evilreads published this extremely helpful post today outlining most of the after parties that are occurring during the week of BEA.
Here's what I hope to attend:
Monday the 23rd:
The Harper Perennial Blogger Lunch at 11:30am
The Random House Readers Tea Circle at 3pm
The Indie Booksellers Choice Award Party 7-8pm
- or -
Picador's BEA Reception 6-8pm
- or -
The Electric Lit Party 6-10pm.
Tuesday the 24th:
The Bookrageous Bash 8pm
- or -
The Soho Press Party 8-10pm
Wednesday the 25th:
The Harper Perennial Party 6-8pm
The Goodreads Book Club Party 7-9pm
Thursday the 26th:
The Book Blogger Convention Reception 3-5pm
Friday the 27th:
Planned Television Arts Party 6:15pm
Which events are you planning to attend? Will you be at any of the ones I listed above? Care to travel together as we crash party after party? Comment below and share which event you are most looking forward to! And I look forward to meeting you out there in BEA Party Land next week!
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