In the right hand column of my blog, you will see a section entitled "currently reading". I update this as I start each new novel. As you can see, I am curling up with The Colorman by Erika Wood at the moment. This is a review copy that was sent to me by Tantra Press.
I started this yesterday and am hovering at the 54 page mark. The book follows Rain Morton, a young painter, as she trys to make her mark in NYC. Parellel to her, we follow James Morrow, who runs a unique Paint factory. It's assumed that these two storylines will interwine.
Here is a little snippet of something that caught my breath:
"Purple is richness beyond measure, the sensuousness of wine stained lover's lips and the quenching sweetness of grape and berry. Purple is also injury and death: the florid purple of a bruise, the darkening face of a choking vicitim, the opalesence of rotting flesh."
While there are moments of sheer beauty in the Erika's descriptions, overall I am feeling very disconnected from the characters. I struggle to see in my minds eye the things that Erika explains, I haven't been sucked in yet, but I am hopeful. It is still too early to tell.

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