Welcome to TNBBC's 4th book giveaway!!!
This giveaway was made possible by Tavia at Harper Collins. She has allowed me the opportunity to give away 10 copies of Brunonia Barry's "The Map of True Places" for a mini group read. Brunonia is The New York Times bestselling author of the Lace Reader.

The rules are really quite simple:
- Be the first 10 commenters here and tell me why you would like a copy of Brunonia Barry's new book. Please be sure to leave your email address so I can contact you for your mailing address. The books will be shipped from Harper Collins. The books will only be shipped to US and Canada residents (sorry guys, not my decision!)
- The winners of The Map of True Places must agree to participate in a mini-group read held over at TNBBC on goodreads and discuss the novel there in a folder designated for the book - like we do for our monthly group reads.
This contest will remain open until I have received the tenth comment on my blog. So it could be over very quickly. Get going everyone!! And a very HUGE thank you to Tavia and the staff at Harper Collins for being so wonderfully, fanstically generous!!
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