Come one, come all....
We are releasing our Inner Monkeys in celebration of the
Marvellous Hairy giveaway!

Author Mark A. Rayner has offered to give away a signed copy of his novel to one monkey-licious commenter!
Here is the novel's blurb as copied from Mark's website:
"So hair is sprouting in unspeakable places and you can no longer carry a tune, but if you're a surrealistic artiste with an addiction to Freudian mythology and guilt-free sex, turning into a monkey has its upsides. Nick Motbot may be evolving as a novelist, but his friends aren't too sure about his DNA -- at least, not since Gargantuan Enterprises started experimenting with it. And once they figure out what's happening to him, they decide to set things right.
MARVELLOUS HAIRY is a satirical novel about a group of friends sticking it to the man the only way they know how, with equal parts grain alcohol and applied Chaos Theory.
Part literary fun-ride, part fabulist satire, and part slapstick comedy, MARVELLOUS HAIRY is about the power of friendship and love, the evils of power, and the dangers of letting corrupt CEOs run our world. And most importantly, it's about how we have to release our fun-loving inner monkeys."
And that is exactly what Mark and I would like you, dear blog reader, to share! How do you release your inner monkey?
Check out chapter one to wet your appetite!
The giveaway ends November 10th.
Here's how to enter to win:
1 - Leave a comment here telling us how you release your inner monkey - that childlike, mischievous part of you that most people would never condone.
2 - Please do not enter if you have won a book from this blog in the last 3 months.
3 - You must currently be living in the US and Canada. And you must leave a way for me to contact you in the event that you are chosen to win.
Mark and I will choose the best Inner Monkey comment and announce the winner here on November 11th.
May the best Monkey win!
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