I decided to jump on the back of this bandwagon, not because I am a follower or giddy lover of meme's, but because I support Indie and Self-Published authors... and they could ALL use a little more recognition.
I promise to keep my list to just ten, although you and I both know that there are enough indie and self-published authors out there to generate a never ending list! * Note, a large percentage of authors listed here are currently independent. This is not strictly a list of indie/self-published authors.
So let's get started:
1. David Maine - He was the first author to reach out to me on Goodreads (back in the day) and thank me for reviewing his novel Fallen. He was also the first author I went out to NYC to meet and the first to sign my copies of his novels. He writes amazing biblical fiction and is the most down-to-earth, thoughtful, humble author I have yet to meet.
2. Joshua Mohr - Not only is this guy an incredibly adorable, incredibly loyal indie author, he is also an incredibly talented writer as well! His novel Termite Parade takes a deep dark look at lying and the internal turmoil that guilt can cause. He also wrote a kick-ass story for my new blog feature, for which I am extremely grateful!
3. Ben Tanzer - This guy right here is one of the most active, interactive authors out there right now. He runs a blog, online 'zine, podcast page, guest posts, tweets, raises his kids, and runs...! Phew! How does he manage to write as much as he does with a schedule like that? In novels like You Can Make Him Like You and Most Likely You Go Your Way and I'll Go Mine, Tanzer rips open the heads and hearts of his male characters so you can see what's really going on in there. His novels also have this comfortable retro-90's feel to them, which I adore.
4. Michael Kimball - Michael is another one of these incredible multi-taskers. He writes life stories on a postcard, blogs, created (and hosts) the Five:Ten author readings, and even gives out thoughtful advice when asked how someone like little ol' me can start my own reading series here in town. Oh, and did I mention that his novel Dear Everybody is amazing?
5. D.R. Haney - Ok, world. Are you listening? (Tap..Tap..) Is this thing on? Can you hear me back there? Duke is probably one of the most lowest flying "under the radar" authors out there. His novel Banned for Life was a nine year, self-published project. His non-fiction collection Subversia was the first book published under The Nervous Breakdown's brand new publishing label. He might be quiet but his writing packs a superhuman punch.
6. Greg Olear - Not only is Greg a great writer, but he introduces me to other great writers! His awesomely twisted novel Totally Killer is a 90's retro look into the world of publishing, as only Greg can tell it! He is also the senior editor for The Nervous Breakdown, an indie 'zine (and publishing company) that should be read by each and every one of you!
7. Blake Butler - Another high energy internet author, Blake runs two blogs, tweets, and recently pulled a marathon reading in NYC for his newest novel There is No Year. His previous collection of connected stories, Scorch Atlas, has created quite an underground buzz.
8. David Moody - if you like Zombie books, you have to check out David Moody. He puts an interesting spin on zombies in his Autumn series, and has created a brand new sympathetic monster in his Haters series. He is a brilliant story teller who works hard to promote his novels. Did you know his novel Autumn was released as a film?
9. Glenn Duncan - Hold on tight to your religion people, because this author is sure to tear it right out of your hands. Glenn's novels deal with Satan in human form, the after-life, priests who witness miracles, and a terrorist crucifixion, you are certain to be wowed and awed by his writing. I have his latest novel, The Last Werewolf, lined up and ready to go!
10. C.G. Bauer - Another great story-teller, Bauer knocked me over with his gothic, small town mystery Scars on the Face of God. He plagues his characters will intense flaws, and masters the whole suspense thing. You really need to check out this novel. There is something in it for everyone.
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