TNBBC is giving away copies
of the book that everyone on Twitter
has been dying for!

Author Rebecca Rasmussen and Crown Publishing
have agreed to give away 10 copies of the Bird Sisters
to US and Canada residents.
Here is the description from Goodreads:
When a bird flies into a window in Spring Green, Wisconsin, sisters Milly and Twiss get a visit. Twiss listens to the birds' heartbeats, assessing what she can fix and what she can't, while Milly listens to the heartaches of the people who've brought them. These spinster sisters have spent their lives nursing people and birds back to health.
But back in the summer of 1947, Milly and Twiss knew nothing about trying to mend what had been accidentally broken. Milly was known as a great beauty with emerald eyes and Twiss was a brazen wild child who never wore a dress or did what she was told. That was the summer their golf pro father got into an accident that cost him both his swing and his charm, and their mother, the daughter of a wealthy jeweler, finally admitted their hardscrabble lives wouldn't change. It was the summer their priest, Father Rice, announced that God didn't exist and ran off to Mexico, and a boy named Asa finally caught Milly's eye. And, most unforgettably, it was the summer their cousin Bett came down from a town called Deadwater and changed the course of their lives forever.
Rebecca Rasmussen's masterfully written debut novel is full of hope and beauty, heartbreak and sacrifice, love and the power of sisterhood, and offers wonderful surprises at every turn.
In order to snag a copy, you must:
1 - Post a comment here telling us what your favorite bird is and why, be a resident of the US or Canada, and leave me a way to contact you. If your comment is missing any of this information, it will be considered ineligible.
2- Agree to participate in a group read book discussion that will run during the month of May over at TNBBC on Goodreads. Rebecca Rasmussen has agreed to participate in the discussion and will be available to answer any questions you may have for her.
By commenting, you are agreeing to read the book and join the group discussion at TNBBC on Goodreads (the thread for the discussion will be emailed to you at the first of the month).
It's first come, first serve so the first 10 commenters who agree to the above term will secure a copy for themselves for the group read.
The contest ends when the last copy has been claimed.
* please note that I moderate comments before they are posted so it may appear that there are copies available before I publish them.
So don't hesitate!
However, if you are not a winner, no worries. You can purchase a copy of the novel or simply join in on the discussion to ask Rebecca questions about the writing and publishing process... All are welcome!
So don't hesitate!
However, if you are not a winner, no worries. You can purchase a copy of the novel or simply join in on the discussion to ask Rebecca questions about the writing and publishing process... All are welcome!
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