Monday, December 31, 2012
The Audio Series: Mark A Rayner
Our audio series "The Authors Read. We Listen." is an incredibly special one for us. Hatched in a NYC club during BEA week, this feature requires more work of the author than any of the ones that have come before. And that makes it all the more sweeter when you see, or rather, hear them read excerpts from their own novels, in their own voices, the way their stories were meant to be heard.
Today, Mark A. Rayner blesses our ears with a reading of his short story The Monkey's Tail. Human-shaped, simian-obsessed, robot-fighting, pirate-hearted, massively-bestselling wannabe, Rayner is a writer of satirical and speculative fiction. He is the author of three novels, hundreds of short stories & flash fictions, and several plays.
Click the soundcloud link below to experience The Monkey's Tail, as read by author Mark A. Rayner.
The word on The Monkey's Tail:
The Monkey's Tail ... has been published a few times: first in Trunk Stories #2 (Dec. 2004), and then it was reprinted in Broken Pencil #29 (2005) and most recently in Yareah Magazine, (Feb. 2009). I thought I would record it as an audio version, as a bona fide of my long obsession with monkey-related fiction.
*From the author
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