While you wait patiently to find out if he thinks you were naughty or nice, why not curl up with on the couch and get lost inside a few good christmas stories? I recommend the following - and I feel I have covered all my bases here... The "time tested" classics, the "read me with a box of tissues" tear jerker, and the downright hilarious.

Read 12/08
5 Stars - Highly recommended
This was TNBBC's group read for Christmas last year. I was a little hesitant because I had never read anything by him prior to this. An absolute must read for the holiday season. It's a quick, wonderful read with a very powerful message!

Read my whole life
5 Stars - Highly recommended
Who doesn't know The Night Before Christmas? A true childrens classic.

Read my whole life
5 Stars - Highly recommended
Cindy Lou Who and all the Who's in Whoville have their presents stolen by that evil, awful Grinch. Another timeless childrens story.

Read 12/07
4 Stars - Strongly recommended
A short novel that can be read cover to cover in a matter of a few hours. Be prepared for a little tugging-of-the-heart-strings with this one. It may be small, but it sure can pack a punch.

Read my whole life
5 Stars - Highly recommended
Is there anyone out there who doesn't love Charlie Brown?

Never Read
But I hear it is a wonderful christmas time story for both young and old.

Read 12/07
5 Stars - Highly recommended
This was my very first Christopher Moore novel, and is TNBBC's current Christmas group read. It had me laughing out loud many times! Do not let another holiday season pass you by without reading this one.
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