The Goodreads NYC hook-up was fabulous!
I managed to get a little reading accomplished in the car on our way into the city to meet Boof. The novel, Last Night in Twisted River, is absolutely wonderful so far. It seems to be taking awhile to complete (I'm only half way through at this point) but I simply have no time available to devote to it. The holiday season is not very forgiving though I manage to sneak in a few pages here and there as I can.
Upon entering the city: the hubby, kids, and I hightailed it straight to the Rockefeller Tree in all its shimmery and glittery glory. With 15 minutes until Hook-up time, I hung back at the entrance to the skating rink below the tree with my eyes peeled for Boof, while the family walked around the block to take in the sites.
NYC in the wintertime, at christmas time, is kind of magical. And the anxiousness and excitement of meeting someone I have known cyberly on Goodreads for over two years really added to the whole experience.
Of course, as I stood there, I worried over what we would talk about... What we would do once the introductions were over...
Which was really silly, because once we met, we really never stopped talking. Boof and her husband are absolutely two of the sweetest, adorable people I have met! We instantly started chatting about Goodreads, and our fellow online friends, book-shopping, actor-spotting, blogging, our Secret Santas...
We ate some NYC pizza for lunch and headed over to Bryant Park, which is a part of the city I had never visited before. We went ice skating - a first for ALL of us! I did fairly well, surprising myself. I only fell twice, while Boof managed to escape the rink without falling at all! Her husband was snapping photos of us hanging onto one another in an attempt to remain upright, and I cannot wait to see them.
From there, we headed to Times Square and took in the whacky exhibits in Ripleys Museum, and then said our goodbyes. It was such a wonderful afternoon. I'm so happy I was able to finally meet her in person.

While we were in NYC, time seemed to stop - at least for those 3 hours we spent together. Once I was back in the car, heading for home, reality started to sink back in....
9 more days to finish christmas shopping and wrapping presents! 7 more days until my Secret Santa group opens our packages! 4 more days of work before the holiday break!
I'm feeling a little overwhelmed, somewhat anxious, and very excited all over again... How exhausting!!
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