The rules for this award are rather simple. All I have to do is answer the following questions with a single word answer and then pass this along to 5 bloggers.
(1) Your Cell Phone? texting
(2) Your Hair? long
(3) Your Mother? Here!!!
(4) Your Father? retired
(5) Your Favorite Food? burritos
(6) Your Dream Last Night? none
(7) Your Favorite Drink? water
(8) Your Dream/Goal? publishing
(9) What Room Are You In? playroom
(10) Your Hobby? Reading!!!!
(11) Your Fear? spiders!!!!
(12) Where Do You Want To Be In Six Years? debtfree
(13) Where Were You Last Night? sleeping
(14) Something That You Aren't? patient
(15) Muffins? chocolate
(16) Wish List Item? books
(17) Where Did You Grow Up? Fishkill
(18) Last Thing You Did? goodreads
(19) What Are You Wearing? clothes
(20) Your TV? off
(21) Your Pets? puppy, iguana, fish
(22) Friends? yeah
(23) Your Life? uneventful
(24) Your Mood? blah
(25) Missing Someone? Nah
(26) Vehicle? hyundia's
(27) Something You Aren't Wearing? shoes
(28) Your Favorite Store? Bookstore!!!
(29) Your Favorite Color? Burgandy
(30) When Was The Last Time You Laughed? today
(31) Last Time You Cried? uhhhhh??
(32) Your Best Friend? Mariann
(33) One Place You Go To Over And Over Again? Baltimore, NYC
(34) Facebook? yupper
(35) Favorite Place To Eat? Olive Garden
Man, I wish I could have expanded on some of those answers! That was hard. Thanks again to Jennifer... I am not sure what I did to deserve it, but I am happy to have it and will strive to be worthy of it :)
The Blogs that I award this to are:
The Book Whisperer
Mandy The Bookworm
Well Read Reviews
Keep up the great work, ladies!!
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