The library is located on church street, which is a lovely little slice of heaven to walk down on a day like today - when the single digit chills of last week have given way to a high of 40 and melt away all the snow. Take a peek... The library is located at the end of this street:

Bethlehem library holds its sales on a single Thursday and Saturday every other month. Most paperbacks are a buck, hardcovers for $3, childrens books for 50 cents. I used to go on Thursdays, as soon as it opened, and I would walk out with 15-20 books of my own, not counting what my sons would pick. Since my work schedule has changed, I now drive out there on Saturday. I arrive armed with my recyclable Barnes and Nobles bag, because I never know how many incredibly cheap and wonderful books I might adopt, and my poor arms get tired so easily.
Here is my somewhat weak splurge from the sale today:

Alexandre Dumas - The Last Cavalier
Max Barry - Company
Tarquin Hall - The Case of the Missing Servant
Kurt Vonnegut - Breakfast of Champions
Leonie Swann - Three Bags Full
Katherine Miller Hanes - The Winter of Her Discontent
Not pictured here: Jasper Fforde - Lost in a Good Book.
The reason it is not pictured? I somehow, somewhere along the line, have purchased this book in the past! hahahaha...! Perhaps you are wondering how I could not know I already owned a copy of this? Take a peek at my goodreads shelf - it's called "Owned Not Yet Read", and it currently contains 235 books in it. Which means I have 235 unread novels sitting here in my house!! (I am actually surprised I don't have more unintentional duplicates...) I also think the book sale has less to offer me each time I go because I own so darn many already!!
Now to just find time to read some of them :)
To find out more about this sale, or to locate library and used book sales in your area, check out booksalefinder.
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