"Deck the halls",
"Rock around the christmas tree" and
"Fa-La-La", fellow book lovers!
I am officially Christmased!
We are always the last ones to complete our christmas shopping (10 days to go and still not finished!), the last ones to put up our tree, and the last ones to decorate the house (both got done today!).
While not a complete Hum-Bug, I simply cannot understand how people can get into the christmas spirit of things so darn early. Thanksgiving dinner hadn't yet started to cool on everyone's plates and the Christmas trees were being lit, blow-up Frosty's and Santa's were being staked, and Jingle Bells jangled on every musak station.
All of this christmassy-ness bombarding my senses outside of my home always makes me kind of reluctant to introduce it into my home. So I wait. and wait. and wait.
And then, all of a sudden, without really knowing how or why, I find myself filled with the desire to decorate. And today, decorate we did!
I also managed to get the Post Office to change the lock on my cluster-box today, AND was hand delivered my Goodreads Secret Santa package!!!
Let the Holidays Begin, I Say!!
The great unwrapping of the 3rd Annual Secret Santa presents is a well coordinated tradition that will take place this Friday night at 7:30pm EST. Having the gift in the house now, in it's Amazon packaging, taunting me, Friday cannot come quick enough! Each of us posted a list of 5 books from our Goodreads TBR shelf, from which our S.S. would pick to purchase and ship to us.
These were the books I asked my S.S. to choose from:
- A Humument: A Treated Victorian Novel -Tom Philips
- Monsieur Pain - Roberto Bolano
- In a Dark Wood - Marcel Moring
- The Gun Seller - Hugh Laurie
- In The Land Of Long Fingernails - Charles Wilkins
Which one could it be? Which one could it be? Be sure to check back here Friday night to see which book I unwrap!!!
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