However, this year, my mailbox has been bursting at the seams with christmas cards from close friends, blogging buddies, authors, and publishers! And it's made me realize something.... Nothing comes close to matching the excitement of tearing open the envelope of a christmas card or the smile on your face as you read it, and the fun of finding someplace special to showcase it.

While I do love e-cards, and texts, and emails wishing me happy holidays, I adore the timeless tradition of receiving christmas cards in the mail.
And I am making a New Years Resolution today - to stepping it up and mailing out some 'paper and envelope' cards in 2011 in appreciation and celebration to the publishers, authors, bloggers, and friends I am so very thankful to have met in 2010! Because I want people to feel the same way I do when I open the mailbox ... and see one waiting in there for me!
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