eFiction was first published in March of 2010 under the careful hands of Doug Lance, a 21 year old Western Michigan University undergrad student -studying under the likes of Thisbe Nissen and Jaimy Gordon (The National Book Award Winner 2010). The magazine's 15th issue is out this month.
Doug balances his responsibilities between eFiction magazine and a small internet start-up that markets online content. He believes there are many stigmas attached to being an English major in the states.
"People joke that we can never find jobs or will end up working in starbucks. I struggled for a long time with that criticism because I knew that writing was what I wanted to do with my life.
Being a computer person, I went onto the internet to figure out how I could posiibly make a living doing what I loved. The outlook was not good. Competition was stiff just to make less than minimum wage in traditional publishing circles. After months of turmoil, the idea hit me one January morning of my junior year. I started the magazine that same day in the university library. I had never done anything like it before but I never gave up. I kept working on it despite not seeing any returns for my effort. It was a labor of love. Recently, we have found our place on the Kindle and the magazine is self-sustaining and growing every day.
On our masthead we have two editors signed on, another tentative editor, a marketing guy and two readers. We accept submissions through Submishmash. When a submission comes in everyone reads the story and gives it a vote, then I'll have final say on the story. Most of the submitters are people I've met online or know a previous contributor."

So what are you waiting for? Check it out... Subscription is free, and if you click on the link, you can read the entire magazine from cover to cover... it's available on the website at all times. Each issue contains short fiction, poetry, and indie book reviews.
If you read it, please head back over here and leave a comment letting us know what you think. I am sure Doug would be very appreciative of the feedback!
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