The book is called Broken.
Here's the low-down:
Three days before her twenty-fourth birthday, Katherine Gregory receives a letter from her deceased mother. It details a faery curse in which the eldest child in each generation will die in their twenty-fifth year.Three days before her twenty-fourth birthday, a new love interest comes knocking, and her first love has returned – neither men are what they seem, and Katherine may have to choose between them.
Three days before her twenty-fourth birthday, Katherine must decide if this is all real, or if the strange visions she’s been having are just a figment of her imagination.
The race to unravel the mystery begins, and Katherine must solve it – for any day after her birthday could be her last.
(**David is currently seeking reviewers for the novel. If this sounds like it's right up your alley, and you're TBR pile has a little wiggle room, let us know and you may find yourself the proud owner of a review copy.**)
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