Here's what he had to say on how these experiences have shaped him:
"I've learned to not take myself or the writing world too seriously. I've been writing since I had a string of injuries in high school that kept me away from my passion for sports. Originally I'm from Alaska, and my love for my home state plays a big role in my writing.
During my MFA I was encouraged to write about the people I worked with and it really opened up a lot for me in terms of my writing. So, most of my energy over the last couple years has been compiling an Alaska-themed story collection called GLACIERS & OTHER STORIES, which I've been shopping around. Some of my non-Alaska stories were collected recently in the aforementioned PRIZE WINNERS. "

"I have two full-length poetry collections that I've been shopping around as well. And if that weren't enough, next year my debut novel, CODE FOR FAILURE will arrive from Black Coffee Press. I also have three experimental novellas that just sit on my hard drive. Occasionally I find a place to try submitting one to, but for the most part I don't really know what to do with them.
Beyond all the writing, I do freelance book design. I work regularly with Thunderclap Press, and have done covers for a number of other small presses and writers. It's really something I'm always looking for opportunities with, because I feel like it's an area where I can provide a unique and complimentary vision for a writer's work. I guess all these roles in my life start to weave together at some point."
Beyond all the writing, I do freelance book design. I work regularly with Thunderclap Press, and have done covers for a number of other small presses and writers. It's really something I'm always looking for opportunities with, because I feel like it's an area where I can provide a unique and complimentary vision for a writer's work. I guess all these roles in my life start to weave together at some point."
Working a full time job, writing poetry and novels, running a small independent press, AND creating cover designs... he truly is a renaissance man. To check out his artwork, visit his website Aesthetically Declined Design.
And now, Ryan and TNBBC have a little present for you:
Comment here for your chance to win a personalized signed copy
of his short story collection Prize Winners.

Tell us how you would like to book to be personalized.
Ryan can be as clean or saucy as you like. He's even agreed to draw a cartoon !
Contest ends Saturday July 16th.
Good luck!
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