"What do you get when you cross a bunch of great self-published books with extraordinary publishing industry professionals? IndieReader’s first annual “Discovery Awards” (IRDAs), where undiscovered talent meets people with the power to make a difference."

I'm no stranger to IndieReader.com. I appreciate their focus on introducing independent (read=Self Published) books to people with independent minds. And this new venture of theirs is something that I secretly wish I could have been involved in. *caging my green eyed monster*
The First Annual IndieReader Discovery Awards are open to all self-published books with a valid ISBN. Judging is based on quality and originality. Submissions opened yesterday and will close Feb 29th, 2012. Winners will be announced June 18th, 2012.
Did that whet your appetite? Here's a bit more:
- There are no restrictions on release dates
- Both eBooks and print books are eligible
- Entry costs $150 per title per category with an extra $50 per additional category
- There are 2 main categories, and 49 sub-categories
- Additional information can be found here
- First, Second, and Third prize winners will be awarded for the each of the two main categories - with the potential for one winner in each of the sub-categories
- You can submit your entry here
- See what you get if you win here
So, self-published friends of TNBBC, what say you? Are you in?
Please help me spread the word about the IRDA's to other self published authors by sharing the link to this post or the Indiereader.com. And good luck!
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