Read 12/26/11 - 12/27/11
5 Stars - Highly Recommended / The Next Best Book
Pgs: 100
Publisher: Yes Yes Books
This is everything that poetry should be and never was until now. Honest and naked. Sensitive to the point of sappy but with a surprisingly hard core edge. Nate Slawson's words punch you in the gut with their beauty. They make you wish your boyfriend/husband/partner pined for you in such painfully raw and inspiring ways.
Wouldn't it be heaven if people actually spoke to one another like this -
"... is it wrong if I write your name on the soles of my tennis shoes.."
"I think we are becoming some kind of galaxy"
"... every morning I rasp for you..."
"Be invisible ink on the inside of my eyelids"
"I want a nuclear tongue so I can lick dirty words into the bottom of your feet"
This book touched me in places I shouldn't have enjoyed but did. I love its naughty, raunchy little heart. If Panic Attack, USA were a person, I would kidnap it and hold it hostage in my closet and make it whisper its dirty little poems to me every night.
Are you curious? Don't be all sly and shy, you know you are. Do you wanna hear what's got TNBBC all hot and bothered? Here's a little taste... Nate reading some selected poems from this collection:
It's slam. It's ragged. It's dirty and delicious. And you need to get yourself a copy of it now!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
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