Saturday, December 10, 2011
TNBBC's Blog Turned Two
Can you believe it? TNBBC's blog turned two on December 5th! And here I was, all wrapped up in indie press merges and book giveaways and reviving the Indie Book Buzz series, that I completely forgot to celebrate! Parties are always better when held on the weekends, though, right?! So c'mon, get out your party hats and noise makers....
It's been another amazing year for TNBBC. The goodreads group continues to break records with its membership. We are currently cruising around the 8200 mark. And our Author/Reader Discussion series has really taken off. Without this wonderful collection of amazing literary addicts, there would be no reason at all for this blog to exist...
The blog has experienced record breaking hits as well! It's most viewed post of all time was when I reviewed the audio version of Go The F*ck To Sleep. It was viewed a total of 2488 unique times. Our Indie Spotlight Feature really took off this year. New series like Tell Me a Story, On "Being Indie", and the Indie Book Buzz were born and have been thriving.
In an effort to support the indie and self published community, I created a list of book bloggers who are willing to do the same. And to my astonishment, TNBBC started cross posting and showing up all over the interwebs..!!
But none of this would be possible if it wasn't for the undying support of publishers, authors, bloggers, and readers like you. I do this all for you! So thank you, thank you, thank YOU for checking us out day after day, and I hope I can continue to find new and exciting ways to keep you here in the coming years...
Now let's blow out those candles and turn this mother out!!!!
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Blog Archive
- Review: The Second Most Dangerous Job in America
- A TNBBC Twist on "Top 2011" Lists
- Indie Book Buzz: Atticus Books
- Review: How to Build the Ghost in Your Attic
- Review: Panic Attack, USA
- Review: Baby Geisha
- Indie Book Buzz: Mud Luscious Press
- Audiobook Review: The Passage
- A Place Indies Can Call Their Own
- It's Good To Be FREE
- Indie Spotlight: Michele Gorman
- Indie Book Buzz: Two Dollar Radio
- Laura Ellen Scott on "Being Indie"
- Book Giveaway: Taft 2012
- Indie Spotlight: Indie Book Blowout
- Review: Beatitude
- TNBBC's Blog Turned Two
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- Review: Whiskey Heart
- Book Giveaway: The Moment
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