Monday, July 14, 2014

The Audio Series: Clarissa Angus

Our audio series "The Authors Read. We Listen." is a special one for us. Hatched in a NYC club during BEA week, this feature requires more work of the author than any of the ones that have come before. And that makes it all the more sweeter when you see, or rather, hear them read excerpts from their own novels, in their own voices, the way their stories were meant to be heard.

Today, Clarissa Angus reads us two excerpts from the anthology My Baby Shot Me DownClarissa is a Londoner raised by wonderful Jamaican-born parents. Spoiler: she has no idea what she's doing, but sometimes she gets lucky with her writing. You can find her online at Ether Books, ABCtales, The Artillery of Words, and Litro magazine. Once, she got lucky and made the Bridport Prize Short Story Short List 2012. Then she got lucky again and made it into the Raging Aardvark Twisted Tales 2013 anthology. Incredibly, her dream of being included as part of the Liars' League (Hong Kong) came true. She's indebted to anyone who has ever thought her creative musings are worth a read.

Click on the soundcloud links to experience Playing and Big Girl, as read by Clarissa Angus:

The word on My Baby Shot Me Down:

Ten new women writers showcase an exceptional collection of poetry and prose. An incendiary blend of cerebral and visceral, this anthology presents a broadened view of the personal, political and social spectra. The unsettling beauty of the language is rendered sharp and transgressive, shot through with high-calibre comedy.

Expect full-bodied and full-blooded.

Grey areas of the gender-jungle and identity are explored alongside matters of love, family, relationships and sex, making for stark writing that is vital, refreshing and life-affirming.
*lifted with love from Goodreads


Author & Editor

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