I stumbled across Charles Bukowski nearly a decade after he had passed away. After experiencing his writing, I wondered how I had managed to go so long without. It is raunchy and raw. Rough and ragged. He holds no punches and finds poetry in everything. He was a genius and put dirty old men on the map.

The saddest part of finding him so late is the fact that I will never get to see him read his poetry. The best part - He has published so many books and collections that I have years worth of reading to catch up on!
In honor of his birthday
- He would have been 90 today -
I want to celebrate a different side of Hank. The painter, the artist.

To see a list of what he has written click here; or to view the individual paintings you see up above click here. Which painting is your favorite? What book or poetry collection is your favorite?
Author & Editor
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