Well. Hang on. Nothing makes me happier than coming home to a beautiful new book that is signed by the author and waiting patiently for me...
Ok. Wait. Nothing makes me happier than a beautiful new book that is signed by the author and accompanied by a personalized card, and bookmark, and other little trinkets of affection!
Not only was her book signed, but she attached a coin - which has some significance to the main character in the novel - a bloggers pamphlet, a couple of cool bookmark cards, and a personalized note thanking me for my interest and letting me know the book is undergoing some minor changes, so she will be sending me out a new copy when it's ready.
The little extras go a long way with this book blogger! It shows me that the author appreciates the fact that I accepted their book for review. It not only catches my attention, but it also ensures that I will remember those authors. It's one of the reasons I enjoy working directly with the authors.
What puts a smile on your face? Which authors shower you with extra little gifts to entice you to read their novels?
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