Or, at least that is what Ashley over at Books From Bleh to Basically Amazing thinks!

The award claims that
"A prolific blogger is one who is intellectually productive, keeping up an active blog with enjoyable content. After accepting this award, recipients are asked to pass it forward to seven other deserving blogs."
I am very flattered to add this wonderful blog award to my collection and to also share it with other bloggers that take an active interest in keeping things fresh, informative, and enjoyable!
I pass this award on to:
1.Dead White Guys - she keeps the classics fresh
2.Tri'ing To Make A Difference - I sit in awe of this woman and the things she accomplishes
3.Mandy the Bookworm - she pulls off some of the best interviews I have ever seen.
4.The Book Whisperer - ARC queen and official mystery convention press!
5.The Reading Ape - pulls no punches and lays it all out on the line.
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