...Or, How TNBBC and BookSexyReview Reconnected

So there I was, chatting with my BEA blogger bestie Rachel (of A Home Between Pages) at the Random House Tea Party Monday afternoon when a familiar face walks by me. I shout "Tara?" and she turns to look at me. Holy Shit, I think. It's her! I haven't seen her in what....? 15 years? Maybe a little less? And here she is, walking past me in Random House?!!
What follows is my recollection of the conversation that took place immediately after calling her name:
Me: Oh my god, Tara (maiden name withheld)?!!
Tara: (looking at me with no recognition)
Me: You dated a guy named Keith. My husband's best friend Keith.
Tara: I've dated a lot of guys in my life, but Keith wasn't one of them.
Me: Yes you did! He was best friends with John, my husband, and Shannon. Up in the Poconos.
Tara: Wha...? Huh..? Oh My God!!!!
Cue loud, girlish squeeing as we discover that we both run book blogs and live 45 minutes from one another. And then the endless questions of what we have both been up to since we last saw each other back in the late 90's.
Of course we then sit down together and compare schedules. She is traveling in by bus, I am driving back and forth each day. We have similar evening plans, which means we will be able to hang out and reconnect throughout the week at BEA.
And that is exactly what we did! In my upcoming BEA Breakdown posts, you will hear a few of the TNBBC and BookSexyReview stories as we encounter literary idols, schmooze with the publishers, and enjoy a party or too along the way. Who'd have thought that blogging could bring two long lost friends back together?
Be sure to check out her blog. It's finding it's niche with Translations and International Literature. She's got wicked good taste and she's a ball to be around! If you stop by and check her out, let her know TNBBC sent you!!!
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