David Maine (author of biblical fiction novels such as The Preservationist and The Fallen) has gone paperless for his upcoming novel The Gamble of the Godless.
David was the catalyst for much of what TNBBC does today. A wonderfully kind and extremely humble human being, he made time to sit and chat with this fledling Goodreads-er and fan of his writing back in early 2009 in a NYC Barnes and Nobles coffeeshop. He helped me to realize that authors are people too, who can be easily flattered and embarassed, but who also have an immense passion for what they, and others like them, do.
Though his new eBook does not yet have an official release date (he hopes it will be ready for us by early-mid June), I would like to coordinate a book tour to help spread the word. Those who participate will get a free sample download of the novel once it becomes available.
If you haven't read any of Maine's novels before, now is the perfect time to start! And while you are there, why not friend him?
Interested in kick-starting a book tour with me? Comment below or contact me via email to get more information.
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