TNBBC has partnered with Leapfrog Press again
to bring you another great author/reader group discussion!
We are giving away 8 copies of Helen Phillips new novel And Yet They Were Happy

4 copies will be offered internationally.
The other 4 will be offered for US residents only.
Here is the book description as it appears on
A young couple sets out to build a life together in an unstable world haunted by monsters, plagued by disasters, full of longing—but also one of transformation, wonder, and delight, peopled by the likes of Noah, Bob Dylan, the Virgin Mary, and Anne Frank. Hovering between reality and fantasy, whimsy and darkness, these linked fables describe a universe both surreal and familiar.
**Updated Entry Rules and Deadline Extention**
In order to claim a copy you must:
1 - Simply comment here stating you would like to receive a copy of the book.
2 - Tell us if you are a resident of the US or if you are international (Canada is included as international for this giveaway), and leave me a way to contact you.
*If your comment is missing any of this information, it will be considered ineligible.
3- Agree to participate in a group read book discussion that will run during the month of June over at TNBBC on Goodreads. Helen Phillips has agreed to participate in the discussion and will be available to answer any questions you may have for her.
*If you're comment is chosen as a winner, by accepting the copy you are agreeing to read the book and join the group discussion at TNBBC on Goodreads (the thread for the discussion will be emailed to you at the first of the month).
3- Agree to participate in a group read book discussion that will run during the month of June over at TNBBC on Goodreads. Helen Phillips has agreed to participate in the discussion and will be available to answer any questions you may have for her.
*If you're comment is chosen as a winner, by accepting the copy you are agreeing to read the book and join the group discussion at TNBBC on Goodreads (the thread for the discussion will be emailed to you at the first of the month).
The contest will remain open until May 14th.
Winners will be posted here and contacted via email on May 9th.
Good luck!!
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